Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1203

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TREATY WITH VENEZUELA. Aoensr 27, 1860. 1151 shall be comprised under that de- oomprendera. en esa denominacion, Conti-sbaud of nomination, gunpowder. saltpetre, la polvora, salitre, petardas, mechas, "°’· petards, matches, balls, bombs, balas, bombas, granadas, carcasas, grenades, carcasses, pikes, halbcrds, picas, alabardas,espadas,cintm·ones, swords, belts, pistols, holsters, cav- pistolas y sus fundas, sillas y arnealry saddles and furniture, cannons, ses de cahallerla, cafiones, morteros mortars, their carriages and beds, con sus curefias yafustes, y generaland generally all kinds of arms, ams mente toda especie de armas, munimunition of war, and instruments ciones de guerra, é instrumentos ti fit for the use of troops; all the propésito para el uso de tropas; above articles, whenever they are todos los cuales arttculos, cuando destined to the port of an enemy, quiera que se destinen al puerto de are herebygdeclared to be contra- un enemigo, se declaran por la pm. band, and Just objects of confisca- sente, contrabando, y justos objetos tion; but the vessel in which they de contiscaciompero se consideraran are laden, and the residue of the libresyde ninguna manera contamicargo, shall be considered free, and nados por los géneros prohibidos, el not in any manner infected by the buque cargado de ellos, y el resto prohibited goods, whether belonging del cargamento, ya pertenezcan al to the same or a different owner. mismo dueiio 6 a. diversos. Anrxcnm xiv. ARTICULO XIV. It is hereby stipulated that free Se estipula aqui, que los buques Fres ships ships shall give a freedom to goods, libres daran libertad 6. los géneros, m’k° f'°°g°°"‘ and that everything shall be deemed .y que se ha de considerar libre y free and exempt which shall be found exento, todo lo que se hallére 5. boron board the ships belonging to the do de los buques pertenecientes é. citizens of either of the contracting los ciudadanos de cualquiera de las parties, although the whole lading, partes contratantes; aunque toda la or any part thereon should appertain carga 6 parte de ella pertenezcaé. to the enemies of either, contraband enemigos de una xi otra, esceptuén- goods being always excepted. It is dose siempre los géneros de conalso agreed, in like manner, that the trabando de guerra. Se conviene same liberty be extended to persons tambien del mismo modo,en que se P°”°¤¤- who are on board a free ship, with estendera la misma libertad é. las this effect, that although they be personas que se encuentren abordo enemies to either party, they are de buques libres, con el efecto dc not to be taken out of that free ship que, aunquc ellas sean enemigos do unless they are soldiers, and in ac- cualquiera de las partes, no deban tual service of the enemy. serestraidos de los buques libres, é. no ser militares y estur en actual servicio del enemigo. ARTICLE xv. ARTICULO xv. In time of war the merchant shipsl En tiempo de guerra los buques 0n3f;?;?!;: belonging to the citizens of either of mercantes pertenecientes si ciudada- g ' the contracting parties which shall nos de cualquiera de las partes conbe bound to a port of the enemy tratantes, destinados a algun puerto of one of the parties, and concern- del enemigo de luna de ellas, y reing whose voyage and the articles specto 6 cuyo viaje y articulos de of their cargo there shall be just cargamento hubiere Justos motives grounds of suspicion, shall be obliged l de sospecha, tendran obhgacion de to exhibit,a.s well upon the high seas exhibit; asn en alta mar como en los as in the ports or roads, not only puertos 6 radas,.no solo sus pasatheir passports but likewise their portes,sinotnmb1en sus certnficados certificates, showing that their goods para demostrar que sus generos no are not of the quality of those which son de la cuahdad de los especztica-