Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1208

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U56 TREATY WITH VENEZUELA. Aucosr 27, 1860. provided with above one hundred buque estuviere provisto de mas de and fifty seamen or soldiers, in the ciento cincuenta marineros, 6 solsum of fourteen thousand dollars, dados, con la sums, de catorce mil or eighteen thousand eight hundred pesos fuertes, 6 d1ez_y ocho mil dollars Venezuelan currency, to sat- ochocientos pesos sencillos, satisisfy all damages and injuries which facer todos los dafios é mjulrias que the said privateer, or her officers or dicho buque de guerra particular, 6 men, or any of them, may do or sus empleados, 6 marineros, 6 coalcommit during her cruise, contrary quiera de ellos hagan 6 cometan to the tenor of this convention, or to durante su crucero contra el tenor the laws and instructions for regu- de esta. convencion 6 de las leyes é lating their conduct; and, further, instrucciones por las cuales dehen that in all cases of aggressions, said ari-eglar su conducts; y ademas se commission shall be revoked and les revocara yanulara dicha patents annulled. en todos los eases eu que cometan agresiones. imrrcnu xxur. ARTICULO xxxu. P’l”°“· 8P°· ¤°* When the ships-of-war of the two Cuando se admitan con sus presas wpuy dum' contracting parties or those belong- en los puertos de cualquiera de las ing to their citizens which are armed dos partes los buques de gnerra de in war shall be admitted to enter ellas 6 los pertenecientesasus ciudawith their prizes the ports of either danos que estén armados en guerra, 0f the two parties, the said public or dichos buques ptiblicos, 6 privados, private ships, as well as their prizes. como tampoco sus presas no seran shall not be obliged to pay any duty obligados a pagar ningun derecho a either to the officers of the place, los empleados del lugar, jueces, ni the judges, or any others; nor shall ningunos otros; ni seran detenidas such prizes, when they come to and ni embargadas tales presas cuando not to be ar- enter the ports of either party, be lleguen a los puertos de cualquiera ""°°d‘ arrested or seized, nor shall the offi- de las partes y entren en ellos, ni cers of the place make examination sobre su legalidad haran ningun exconcerning the lawfulness of such amen los empleados del lugar; sino prizes, but they may hoist sail at que tales buques de guerra podran any time and depart and carry their en cualquier tiempo izar las velas prizes to the places expressed in y partir y llevarse sus presas a los their commissions, which the com- lugares indicados en sus patentes manders of such ships-of—war shall que sus comandantes deberan mosbe obliged to show. It is understood, trar. Entiendese sin embargo que los Llmimlou- however, that the privileges confer- privilegios conferidos en este articulo red by this article shall not extend H0 se estenderan mas alla de los que beyond those allowed bylaw or by se concedan por ley, 6 por tratado treaty with the most favored nations. con las naciones mas favorecidas. ARTICLE XXIV. ARTICUL0 XXIV. E¤¤¤¤l¤¤’ pri- It shall not be lawful {"or any for- N0 sera. licito a. ningunos arma- ""°"' eign privateers who have commis- dores estrangeros que hayan recisions from any prince or State in bido patente de cualquier principe enmity with either nation to fit their 6 estado que sea enemigo de cualships in the ports of either, to sell quiera de las dos naciones, equipar their prizes, or in any manner to sus buques en los puertos de la otra; exchange them; neither shall they ni vender, ni de ninguna manera be allowed to purchase provisions, permutar sus presas, ni se les perexcept such as shall be necessary to mitiré. eomprar provisiones, sino las their going to the next port of that que scan necesarias para ir al proxprince or State from which they imo puerto del principe 6 estado de have received their commissions. que hayan recibo sus patentes.