Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1333

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INDEX. 1281 . . , nu _ ne: -**":*:zsz2?.€’;::;·£:z*"*:;,,,i,.m.i,.,, { M "·**z:i:~"“i"d*¢*a°1UiiC in- , s 0 . e a ‘ . . . . . . Asylum_/`or Deqf Dumb, and Blind, l Ami", HSM; 0 one 00 ’ 130 appropriations for,. . . 109, 217, 869, 370, 747 payment to, as commissioner, for bene sums allowed for salaries and incidental fit of creditors of William B. Dodd,.. 499 A I ejjpepses, ... . . 369, 370 Austria, sy um or nsane, value of1IOW silver·. . . . . . . . . . for the Qistrict; of Columbia., rules for Auxiliary Guard, norm on 201 admispion to, .. 177 in District of Columbia, appropriations appippriations for, ... 109, 217, 350, 747 for, ... 108, 144 Asylum, avol,_ abolished, ... 325 _appr0prmt;1on for, . 82, 149, 564, 817 Avenues in Washington, Atkins, Josiah, appropriations for,. . . 108, 217, 350, 746, 747 _bounty lend-warrant' to issue to, . . . 863 Awards, Atkinson, Room J., of commission on claims in the departpayment to, for extra. services, . 199 ment of the West, to be paid,. .. 615 Atlanlic and Pacyic Telegraph, Ayl@:, Peay und, appropriations for, .. . 633, 534 accounts of} to be audited and paid,. . .. 865 Allantic Fisheries, joint commission to protect, . .. 369 B. President to appoint commissioner,. 369 Bum, Luis Maria, appropriation, .. . . 369 heirs of, may select certain lands in lieu Alralo Route, ol] &c., ... . .. . . 72 iimslnng maps und surveys of; &,c., 110 selection to be mode within three Attwc/zmen/s, yearn, .. . . 72 to secure tinal judgment, to hold in uc- survey and loeation, .. 72 tions removed from state court to cir- Bacon, George B., cuits court,. 757 to be nllowed pay of purser in settle- Attorney, ment of his account,. ... ... 841 fe eral, for southern district of New • Badger, George E., York, salary oi} .. . ... . . 817 expelled from board of regents of the expenses of ·oi·lice of ,. 317 Smithsonian Institution, ... 825 accounts since April 4, 1861, how to be Bail, made up, ... . .. 817 provisions of law, as to giving and mk- Attorney-Generul, ing, to apply to act establishing metappropriation for office of§. 10], 143, 865, 698 ropolilan police district in District of to have superincendence of district at- Columbia, 322 torneys and marshals, .. . . . . 285 commissioners to take, may take surety may employ counsel to aid district at- of me peace and good behavior, . 387 torneys eb un agreed compensation, . . 285 state or political prisoners, under indictmay appoint two additional clerks,. 286 ment for bajlable offences, to be ad~ salary not to be over $1400, ... 286 mitted to, . . . . . . . . 756 district attorneys and marshals to re- proceedings in such case,. . . . . 756 port to attorney-general, 285 in cases removed from state court to cirto institute proceedings for condemna- cuit court, to hold, . 757 tion of property, used to nid inaurrec- Bad Bonds, tion, .. 319 lbrm oi} to be given by appellants, &c., Attorneys ¢y’1he United States, in eases before comin ministers and appropriations for the, 102, 143, 865, 694 consuls abroad, ,.. . 73 for the several territories,. 101, 142, 364, 693 Bailey, Margaret. See the titles of z/mso terrizories. widow of George B. Bailey, montlfu Auctioneers, pay and pension to, . . . . . . .. 909 licenses to, in District of Columbia, how Baker, and Von P/ml, grunted, . . . 29 payment to, for fumiture for courtemployment oi, to sell prize goods, . 759 room, ... . . 879, 880 compensation, ... 759 Baker, VWll¢am L., _ _ Auction Sales, amount due the late, to be pmd Ins provisions of internal revenue uct, c0n~ widow, ... 689 cerning, ... 454, 466, 467 Bakery, _ Auditor, Fourth, appropriation for removing of army, appropriation to pay expense of re- from basement of Capitol, &c.,. . 633, 584 moval of office of] 00 Winder’s Build- Baking Bread, _ ing, . . . 132 Baldfor cn; navy, oécrebury may provide for, 818 Auditor 0 Post—O oe De rtment, win, ugustus ., I epprlonpriatioxif for olllilze of]. 95, 136,187, 358, hobe restored to active list m the navy, . 875 359, 686, 691 Baltimore, _ Auditors of zhe Treasury, act; of Congressnssentnng to act of M.a.ry· appropriation for ofllces oi 94, 136, 137, 358, land concerning the port ol] extended, 125 359, 686, 687 duty not to be levied cn any vessel additional clerks irphgogioes ofgle,. . . 695 B my xpore tlgpn once m any month,. .. 125 Auditor 0 Tlmsu or . . eparlm , am er, nmunu _,_ _ forrnler apprdpdntion for office of, may releosed hom liability on forfeited recogbe applied, &c., 279 mzance, . . . .. 918