Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1384

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1::32 1NDEX. vnu: G nm? German Benevolent Saciely, 31 • ·t to inco oratc, . .. _ . Gaither, Kate R., ppwvcrs anmipdutius-of thedcorporation,. . payment to, for freed slaves,. . . . . . . . . . 924 hindi, ligw its rlgepgngsw , . . ..···. 31 GlS§‘»S'<1fo11 limi 0 pl ,.., .· -- G econtract uiith, for publishing American interest oi, how may bg ap{pl1c(;l1,.i.B; 31 state papers, modified, .. 110, 111 corporation not to act as 8. Ln , H Om- Galuvston Buy, Texas, sue notes, &:c., under pen ty OD 31 liglitvcsscl to be restored at, .. 63 ccrs permitting same, ... 31 121186 beacons not to be crccted, ... 63 6.6 chamr {Fay be altered, &c., · ··.··. Game, '1 son, :1 , _ prohibitions as to killing, in Washington _ payment to representatives, . . . .849, 850 County, D. C., . 803 Gibson, faiuiull I? Hr d 845 ('em, lam c aim 0 , con mc , . . I appropriation for, ..., 107 Giddings, George HY, _ _1 price of, in Washington, not to exceed 1 payment to, for services on a mm · 895 certain sum , . . . 07 route,. price ot} furnished by the Washington 0% Eh WY, 871 Gus—Light Company, ... 534 G Idpgymentltpfl} I . . Gmgqe 0 om an It mn,_ oi Pacific railroad and branches, estab- may be receiyed on deposit, with treaslishcd, . ... 807 urgr or assistant, il . Geiger Widfom, ccrti cates to issue iere or, .. . r a mont to, in full of all claims, ... 835 in what amounts, . Z . . . . .. 111 G P if Land Oji coin and bullion to be retained to pay €Yl€7`(l - cc, y duty of commissioner of] under act for certificates on demand,; 711 adjustment of private land claims, 85, 87 such certificates may be issued pay See Land C'Im`ms, Private. interest on public debt, and duties on appropriations for the,. 97, 138, 687, imports, .. d. . ._ .. 711 provisions concerning,. ... amount not to exccc com an u on Geological Survey, in treasury, twenty per cent., ... 711 p of Oregon and Washington,. .. 207 fontracts for the purchase ofgl £\719, 7 , Georgelown, oans on, not to oxcee par v uc 0 . . . i city of} to be reimbursed for money ad- Gold Coins, _ ’_ vnnccd to coustructLittlc Falls Bridge Z9 approppiation to enable mmt to furnish 279 . over the Potomac,. . ‘ sma .. . .. ` when act to take cfcct, ... 29 Goldsbormqyhz Captain Louis M., Q corporate authorities ot) may regulate thanks of Congress to,and to the officers I spccd of running of can by the Alex- and mon under his command, ... 621 I andria, L. & H. R. R., .. 128 Good Behavior, i corporation ot] may laya water-tax, 405 commissioners to take bail, may take or appropriate necessary money surety of, ...,... . 387 K from corporate funds, .. 405 surctios for, towards the United States, ‘ may make rules for distribution of wa- 405 may be required of state prisoners dis~ ' ter, .., c iargcd from arrest .. . . . . . 756 ” may collect water-taxes, .. . . . . 405 “Good Hope," The Bn};, ’ il proceedings in the Ievying and collecting fishing bounty duo to, to be paid to f of such taxos, ... _ .. 405, 406 Moses Noble,. . 836 * ccrtam ordmanclesé &c., conccming wa- Goods in Pub/ic Stores, Z! tor-taxes, rmi c , .. 406 April 1 1861, duties on, .. 196 i may repair footways and tax lots adjoin— and on shipboard, August 1, 1862, duties F inn therefor,. .. 407 on, (Sec Duties,) 559 1 upproygiation for rebuilding bridges gg W4 Goodwin, Clmr/one A., mar ot- nousc m, .., , o nyment to . 84 mayor oi] to be one of board of police, 320 Gouging, John, , 6 3 dn;gIi§ to mmish stv.tion·houscs for 323 maytapply for renewal and extension of i ‘ .·-·.·-·-····.·--... on , .. . . provision for quelling riots, suppressing Puextension not to subjcct certain 904 nwmimsnrrecuons, &c., in, ... 326 persons to claims for damages,. . 904 J . an ' lands granted by, which may fall in Gmwille, Jamie, goo 5 glogdazgitefr gizviding line is settlech 12 I G a gggment of land to children ot; .. 1113 5 n rm , i , · ., . .. , ‘om~i , arm, p0st·routes cstablishod in, . 155 i assi g f hud t ) qd annual direct tax apportioned to, .. 295i Govemagumen 0 0 cu mn 0c` ``°` H13 I blockade of ports oi dcclarcd, Appenilixé ( oflthe territories of Arizona, Colorado, i _ ‘ 0 . k ta. Idah dN d . s i inhabitants ohproclailmcd Ugg; in ingir- i lftzs? ’ 0, ml eva a Sec tho e A rection ppcn ix, 1 , 126 , 1268; to b ] · d · _ j vommercivl intercourse therewith pro- i fx3s?.?? .0f IT}!i*?n2i1§ 243 j hibitod, . Appendix, 1262 Governmmt Hospital, , » A fox-texture of goods and vcsscls,. . .App¤¤;<l}{; · appropriations for support of patients -* -0-· . m, .. . . 352, 749, 817