Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1397

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INDEX. 1345 I ( , PAGE · rA¤. I"'"'"' $‘Z’5G¥? $§L‘§L‘E‘iZ°‘3mt to mr 3, I""""" ’§i","#"°· ‘°°*‘°F““°“·’ · _ H- _ ¤ tilled spirits to be stored therein, 448 co eetor, &c., . . . . .. 444 dnt ther li ‘ remedy for defaults of such own f dis mm, W en to be Paid, 448 de ut 444 _ ers_o_st1 to keep account of spir- Bwemiing mS£lyy,Mlé ..6.t.l; its distilled, ... . 448 quired hy this act, to be perjury, 444, 445 Om; ff Inspection of couccl 448 pumsnnentterebr, ... ,445 >-,-· t".-..--.".."`.'.` ..,,.2m, accounts to ti kept at mm ‘° {f532E32E3f?.?? °°"°°“°’ ""°° 448 o moneys rom enc 1 state . 445 g k - - · °° `. °°'``` of amount of each species of duty Ofo:0<lis:ill‘a;)tl1d‘rl,f)f’.$raJn, ml. used 448 or tax, ... 445 t lid,·,u•U·-UU" abstract to be laid before Congress colleczolipngy sotwlmcrs tolscnfiftr 449 annually, . 445 ship spirits out of district &e 449 pay of collectors, 445 but for not less than fifty 449 commissions not to exceed $10,000 quantity and proof to be first sscer;

1. year, ... 445, 725 mined, . . . 449

allipwance for stationery and blank bill of lading in such case l . 449 ooks, . . . .. . . 445 ltt · if mx is paid by levy and distraint, per- duties,,lllrl1e(iitx(i$Elii>]w sons aggrieved thereby may apply to if not collected, spirits to be assessor, .. 445 stored, &c,, ... 449 assessor to investigate and report to commissioner may make further commissioner, . . .., 445 rcgulntfo ... 449 power of commissioner in such distilled spirits Tod refined coal oil may _ cases,. I . . . : ... 445 be removed from place of manufiwture, m cases ot distrsmt and sale of goods for certain purposes, ... 449 and chattels, the bill of sale thereof proceedings to effect such removal, 449 by the officer making sule, to be con- oath, bond, conditions, ... 449 elusive evidence, &c., ...,.. 445 removal not permitted in certain if act cannot be executed in any state at cases, 449 any time, it is to be put in force ss when bond may be cancelled,. 449, 450 soon as authority is restored, 445, 446 proceedings in case of breach of interest on sums collected to be condition of bond, . 460 charged in such case, . 446 entries in books of distiller to be veriofiicers under this act to perform duties fied three times ewch month by oath,. 450 under the tax act of 1861, . 446 form of oath, ... . .. . 450 and under any direct tax act here- oath where original entries are not after, .. 446 ma e by owner, ... 450 direct tax on Nebraska for 1861, how to duties on beer, ale, porter, and other be satisfied,. . .J ... 446 fermented liquors, ... .. 450, 723 Tennessee to have until December, 1862, when and by whom to be paid, 450 to assume her portion oftux of 1861, . . 446 fractiénnnl parts of barrels, &c., 450 owners 0 brewes 1 k' f· t·d sums, Am, Bm, rm¤=·- liquors to mf?., §`t”;i3§€m§£iZ`§€Z. ite collectors to grant licences for distilling, 446 materials used, and of beer, &c., prolicense, how granted, to contain duced, . ... Z . . . 480,451, 723 what, &c., ..., 446 books to be open to inspection of applicant to give bond, .. . 446 collector,. ... } . 451 penalty end conditions of bond, 446, to render account monthly to col- 447 lectors, ... 451 bond may be renewed or changed,. 447 accounts to be verified by,._.. . 451 application for license, to state what, 447 to my duties at time of rendering penalty for false statement,.. . . 447 _ acc0unts, ... :. 451 duties on spirits in addition to license,.. pfovlsxgn where pgrson munufnptures in hen able. ... . ... one is uc an ms a were iouse m

0 lowlelyrutes than the basis of first another, .. 451

proot] . 447 entries in books to be verified on oath,.. 461 meaning of "first proof," . 447 form of oath, ... .. 451 inspectors to be designated by collector, 447 oath where original entries are not their duties and pey, . 447 mule by owner ,... . 451, 452 to inspect, gauge, prove, and mark penalty on owner, &,c., for not making r spirits, &c., .. I 447, 448 true entry, &c., .. , . 4o2 inspectors’ fees to be psud by stills, liquors, &c:,to forfeited,.. 452 owner of spirits, _ .. 448 collector may seize stills, Sw:, . 452 penalty for attempting to evade duties proceedings to enforce forfeiture,.. 45 by changing marks, . . . 448,4;%} to he in nature of a proceeding 452 ` S ‘t f f' dul'e tmsr in in ram ..r.., Z. on m pu or or mu D g, 714 if duties on spirits, ale, &c.,g§e noguzd for using marked cssks to sell spir· in time, ten per cent. s. mon o its of a. different quality,· . . 448, 714 be chsrged, ... z .. , _4Q2, 714 owners of distillery may erect were- duties, &c., to be a. hen on dist:- 452 house for bonded warehouse, ... 448 lery, &c., .