Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1467

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INDEX. 1415 . wr n Roads, (contmued.) SacIoet¢’s Harbor, ns superintendents and supervisors ofroads, 800 collection district of amxexed to that immcdiubc and extraordinary repairs,.. . 801 of Cape Vin<:eu|:,. . . . . .. . . . . . . 617 opening new roads, or changing com-se Sacmnwnm, — of old one, U .. , . .801, 802 collection district of, abolished, &c.,. . . . 411 clmms for damages, 1f any, how deter- in ector to be appointed at, 6-4:., . . . . . . 411 mibned, 801, 802 Sac an?Fox Indians, buriesb how summoned, &c., ... sale ofd lands of, by sealed bids, postees o , ... . .. ne , .. . . . 630 of marshal for summoning,... . 802 txggy with, .. . .. 1171 materials for nmzrking or repairing roads, Secs, how procured, . 802 appropriations for the, 54, 229, 230, 521, 783 Roanoke Island, Saddlers, thanks of Congress be oiicers and men pay oi} .. . . . . 270 for the victory at Roanoke Ismnd,. . . 621 Safeguanl, - Roberts, Marshall O., forcing, how punished, ... 340 claim for loss of “Star of the West," to Scfcll, T cresa Ann, be decided by the attomey-general,. . 911 Payment to, for freed slaves, .. . . . . 9% Robertson, John ZZ, Sailing Directions, liability oi on bond released, . . 874 application of appropriation for printing, 268 “Roakall," The Ship, Sailing Vessels. See Steam-Vessels. name changed to “Massa.chusetts,” 43 of the navy, . . ... 80 Rock-a-to-w/La., Sailqmkers, _ to have three hundred and twenty acres ID the navy, sea service oi} how comof land, ... 1181 putcd, .. . . 586 Rock Is/and, pay oi}. . . . ... . .. . . . . 818 national arsenal established at, 537 Sailors, _ Rockwell, Samuel, engaged in certain naval ucnons at payment to representatives ot} . 850 Hampton Roads, to be allowed not Rogerson, Peter and Son, . over $60 each,. . . . ... . . 376 payment iso, for losses, &c., by rescuing Seniors' Letters. _ the passengers, &c., of the American may be forwarded without prepayment ship “Northumberland}'.. . . . 853 _ of postage, ...,..., 705 Rogue River Indians, Sam! DMS. appropriations for the,. 53, 229, 238, mnuezwbaé of urge::;] from, . . , . . . 5233 ss. e r un s , ..., , Rose completion of custom-house and post- ’ 132 payment to, .. . . . 19 _ office at,. . . Rosecrans, Mayjor-General WYlliam S., Sami M;GYth¢W’S'Ch!lTCh, _ thanks of Congress to, and to the officers pzmsh oi m Washmgton, may convoy M and men under his command, .. .. 827 _ certain lands,: . . ... 8 R0use’s Point, Salanes. See ·D1tcrnal Revenue. f h U had port of entry established mz, ... 761 of those m the servwc o the m 472 Route Agents, States, mx 1;pon,._.d _. . .5 . . .ééi.é9. in posmmce department, pay of none to uv m0¤6y wh 9 gill RS m ¤,Y , M6 exceed $800 ,... 37 unless aus onz , law limiting their pay to $800 a. year r noryopersone lnppom 646 m§°"?£2§‘5z; · gn;1<;.,g€;; a ‘;.;;;g[;;g€£,f; ”° Sec. See ‘B§§;J“*i22?"i;ze>;;z ;~a;.;.,»;,;,: · " and periodicabs,. . 707 of mtg! estate and other property 305 wun,(,h»lafnStenen . · s,: { r go {21R11k; of Confgress tc;, ... 82-1 Sgggrigggggigggsgg'mflggidgg,3243332 Ray, Yrancicl“ , ,, ' Rlmrlagga to issue to,. .,...,... . . . 899 S¤g,g£;¤g;_“éh8 schmngb changed to that 625 i>2}ymcut to, of pay and emoluments,. . 904 I of “Ocean Eagle, . ..··.·- - ·-·· R"”* [°'w’g P" Sa lp6M, `ation to ourchasc . . .. 81 payment to assignee oi} . . . 888 gPP\'¢¥‘!;k on foréign ‘Mn>u&ctm_ed into Russgéilggrzhilgnc K" 394) rgnfnpowder and ozoported, . .. 743 R"”€H’ W' W" · · bah£{[,éa:`?»l;;tig1nous lands time for selecting pugé]????  ?.¥(?is. 924 V in Ogegon extended, . . .. 124 Rust, . ·bazzders0>{3;l<;bza, -·····~·..-···· 860 allowance not to be made for, on mm _ {SPS! , ···--- - _ and steel, &c., except, &c., ...`.. 546 ban cormtion msmct Oi abcushedn I b M_ _ _ 411 inspector tolbe apgjointcd at, &c., .. 411 Sands (kaptain . as ma »., . S. niay accept testimonial from Great BMV · K .. 116 Sabbath B,.mk,-M_ bm];. . . the Waslxinvton County, D. C., levy Sandy A e w . _ , b b b . I I · · ‘• 1249 court maybpass ordinances to prevent, 803 ceded to W6 Uniwd SWWS,