Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1471

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INDEX, 1419 I _ neeM I Secretary of; S/air', (cvutlnucd.) Secretary my the Treasury, (continued,) H to audit account of bharles J. Helm, may rent &e murine Irmpimls 348 consul at llaymm,: I. .: .. 220 may contract with city authorities for tgihrtve direction of npproprmtion for cure of sick, &c., seamen ... . 348 agnprrrg home seamen of slnp"Jun- 337 and for those that have infectious q , :...:...: .. usenses, .. Ii to furnish list ot state orpclmeal prison- may leave hospital at. Burliuoton Iowa dog ers m custody, to Judges of United or may use or close it B, S5`) States courts, .. 755 756 ma. i~ » · uri- t·s f' H to send to commission under the con: yxxblitmcdiiitorggf. 352 ventren with Peru, records, docu- duties oi} under net for additional clerks ments, &c._, .795, 796 in office of assistant treasurer at New ,$'em·etan; of l/ee I reasury, York, ,... . 353 appropriations ior the office of the,.94, 136, may purchase coin and issue certificates 358, 685 of indebtedness, ... 370 to issuercgisters to certain vessels, 2 may receive temporary deposits to nn to permit supyrmtendent of msune asy- amount of not over $50,000000, . 370 lum be receive patients,: 23 muy prescribe rates of interest, 370 to pa Missouri for repelling the Osage 28 guy replace mutilated notes by reissue, 370 n nuns, ...,.. . uty un er awt refundin r, &c. d I;` ·· n to prescribe regulations for trzmsslnip- arms, ... ’ . B . 375 ment of goods at Brazos llarbor, &e,, 40 duties under not nbolishing slavery in to advertise for sealed proposals for cou- the District of Columbia, ... 377 strue;;10n oi Atlillltllt and 1’a.ci1ic tele- duty under act esteblisliing brrmeh-mint gmp 1, . . . . 41 at Denver, ,... 328 to change name of ship "Roekall," 43 to appoint certain officers at the port of tolcausehnecessary surveys for sites for entry, &o., ol'1’ort Royal, ... 885 ight ouses . .. 63 may classify temporary clerks in his to prepare cerrtificates of stock and ad- department, ... 394 verlzise for proposals to loan. 79 may refuse clearance to vessels suspecttuo issue register for brig “Charles H. ed of being destined for ports in pos- J0rdv,n," .. 90 session 0i' rebels, ... 404 to settle accounts of the contractor to may prohibit transportation of goods, build custom-house at San Francisco, 111 &c., to places in possession of rebels, 404, duties of, under act of Dec. 17, 1860, 405 authorizing the issue of $10,000,000 duty of, under act to collect direct taxes treasury notes, . 121-123 in insurrectionary districts,. .423, 425, 426 to change name of schooner “Augusta," 130 to change name of certain vcsse|s,.431, 498, to issue register te schooner "l’ersever- 208 _ A 693, 619, 020 ance. to ISSUE mexican register to certain to refund and remit dudes on arms im- f vessels,. 431, 498, gu), 025 rted by states . _ ... 2 55, 274 ori uties un er the tax act, seehar ii!-= 61) tolefppoint officers,0f customs in cases of to issue to the Union Pueitle ltailroml obstruction to eollection of revenue,. 256 Company bonds, &e.,. . .492, 493, 497, 495 when commercial intercourse with topay to commissioner money for credinhabitants of a state in insurrec- ntors of Wm. B. Dodd, .. 2 .. 499 tion is licensed, 257 duty under net authorizing the issue of to make rules and regulations under act $150,000000 additional treasury notes, 532 further to provide for collection of may appoint deputy eolleetorot customs _ duties on imports, . . . 256, 257 at Chin¢:0tea.gue island,. 037 duties of} under act to authorize a me to credit certain znnounts to certain tional loan, . 259-261 Indian tribes m lieu ot bonds stolen may remit iines and pemnltiu in certain 271 mfronr their trust—fuuds,.1. . 540 cases, . pa.y cer m persons or os 1 - e; and additional duties imposed upon in Maine, _ .. . [:40, transportation bonds, ... 271 duty of, under the new uml? ut, , eee, ·> ·- to pay certain musicians, &c., at Fort may appoint specnel sgents ut ports rm Sumter, for losses of private property, 278 opened m states in xnsurrcction,..éi. o duty under act relative to the revenue may extend the itnme to dnsbursing o( I; H marine ... 275 ccrs for rendering their accounts, .o.i¤, .>J4 a.¤tl10rity,to purchase or charter vessels duty -0f] as to certain goods in ware- Gu for revenue service, 286 houses, ... I ... . . . _. . Z . _. . to establish rules and reglplatioris cnné a.splti0ti;.E·taxu a.pproprmt,1ons for 619 · . · . . u .. ..

g  .     294 to pay over piize-moneys on order of 627

·,·--• ~ ~pl‘0p(}l' court, .. l ..·-· . to Eta amid mv 297 i to transter certain appropriations for the 621 -`'```' ‘ l nav ... · to carry mto eE'eet law conn,-ermng , y, .. 1 _ .. l { . , , · “‘°"'“° ""‘ ’‘‘‘ 'i ‘‘‘‘‘ et; ‘ it 3°° 1 w&§`E3°cZ.1¥,.?LJ2`f§..iF*f,?L€t‘é’Zi,Y1."?.’T‘fTT? 637 dutfshgiggratxgtddnlg dL2n? y 818 I number of copies to be printed, 637 u ,. . ., .. l _ _ V ,_ _ _ . duties of, under not authorizing issue of , *10:5%*;** Amg¤~¤¤ ‘”°€‘°“"` m °t°°‘msmI? 652 $50,000,000 treasury notesi. 345, 846 1 » -·-·· · ·-·-···· · ·····'‘‘ v01.. xu. lmmx-- 15