Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1476

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1424 INDEX. I use uq: { Slavery, (continued.) Slave- Dade, (continued.) ‘ sums awarded by commissioners to be contract may be renewed from time to ‘ paid, .. . .. 877 time, . 40 ` to be received in full, 377 commanders of armed vessels of United Q provision for condicting claims to, or States to proceed to Africa and there liens upon, slaves, .. . . 877 deliver such negroes, en.} afterwards { payment to be suspended in such bring captured vessels, &c , to United ; cases, until, &c., ... 377 States, . .. 41 Q marshal to attend sessions of commis· this act to apply to Africans recently , sions, . 377 landed in southern district of Florida, 41 I [my of commissioners, 877 appropriation therefor, 41 of clerks, ... 377 allowance to mershals, district attorneys, i of marshal, . . 377 and others employed in enforcing laws I of other reasonable expenses, . 377 suppressing, ... 219, 868, 369, 829 J appropriation to carry act into effect,. . . 878 compensation to district attorney or ' kidnapping, recnslaving, &c., how pun- marshal not to exceed rate of ’ ished , . .. . . 378 $6000 a year, . .. 219, 829 owners, &»c., to file statements of persons provisions of act concerning prize law held to service by them within limited to apply to captives mul seizures time, . 878 for, . . . ... . 375 A claim of those neglecting to file, &c., act in addition to acts prohibiting,. .592, 593 l not to be allowed, .. 378 President may arrange for the employ- , clerk of circuit court to receive, &c., ment, &c., in the West Indies, &c., for statements, 878 five years, of negroes, &.c., seized on · to deliver certidcates to those made board slave-vessels, . 592, 593 · free, .. 878 suitable clothing, employment, and - contents of certificates, 878 in truction to be furnished, . 593 fee therefor, ... . . 378 no expenses to be incurred after appropriation of $100,000, to aid in colo- landing, .,. 593 nizing emigrants from District of Co- arrangement may be renewed from lumbia to Hayti or Liberia, &c., . 378 time to time, .. 593 not over $100 to be paid for each those seized may be delivered diemigrant, .. . . . . 377 rectly at such islands, ... . . 593 repeal of inconsistent laws and ordi- appropriation for expenses under the nances, . . . 378 act to carry into eH`ect treaty with pecuniary aid towards the abolishment Great Britain concerning, ... 531, 689 of} to be again recommended to Con- pay of arbitrators and judges, and exgress, ... . ... Appendix, 1267 penses of mixed courts, .— ... 829 laws of New Mexico recognizing, re- Sloopmqfi War, peeled, .. . 665 seven screw-steam, of the second class, not to exist in Arizona, ... 665 to be built, .. . . 151 Slaves, · Small, Robert, and others, treaty provisions for tribes to free those halfof value of the “Planter " to be apnow held and not to acquire others,. . 929 portioned among, .. 904 935, 941 share of each may be invested by in certain states and parts of states in Secretary of Navy, and income rebellion to be free January 1, 1863, be paid over, .. 904 Appendix, 1267 Smiley, William [L, declared free,. . Appendix, 1269 may accept telescope from Belgian govcompensation to loyal masters to be ernment, .. 253 recommended, ... Appendix, 1267 Smith and Hunt, claims to persons held to service and payment to, . 854 labor, how forfeited, ... 319 Smith, Anne M., of persons convicted of treason, to be life-pension to, ... 839 made free, .. .. . 590 —-——, Charles, of persons engaged in the rebellion, &c., payment to, ... . . 917 to be deemed captives of war, and be -—-, Elizabeth, set free,. .. 591 lmnd-warrant to issue to, .. 871 escaping, not to be surrendered, unless ——, E. S., claimant shell make oath that alleged portion of judgment against, remitted,. 914 owner is loyal, . 591 —--, Fmmy Mactier, no person in military or- naval service pension to, l . . . .. . . . 908 to decide on validity of claim,. . 591 ---—·, Isaac S., may be employed in suppression of re- payment to, .. . .. 871 bellion, .. . 592 ---, James, colonization of those freed, 592 pension to, ., 885 S!ave—Trade, ·———, Joel M., appropriations for suppression ot}. . .21, 182, payment to, . 862 218, 219 ·——-, Jolm A., President may contract for the reception act for settlement of accounts oil as clerk in Africa of negroes, &c., delivered of circuit court, Wnsliington, D. C.,. 408 from vessels seized in the slave-trade, —————, Willzlzrn, &c., .. 40 payment to,. 917