Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1485

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INDEX. 1433 Towns/u)ns “°' ° . Treasury Nom mu settlers of, not mmeral or rese ed J ‘ S°° L°"”· Tmnmhzvethem surveyed upon, 410 logigor the mdempmm °£ mt ““u‘°"iZ‘ ,, ,,,8, _ , . .. 79 P,-Ovgsgons ,.08 mm, _ S B . l98¤€ of,uuder act ofDeeember 17 1860, 121 TmnS£X;mm0n’ ll Gi 96 dywm- pomlpspgdappuggnppxgpgtion oft} . . 121 0 roops, supp igg c_ to be d _ _ _ year rom ata,. 121 trol of ijlecretary of’War, f)? 334 mzmg; Interest, and when Interest to < appropriations fdr, of grmy, 55, 202, 262, 344, who to ·... . , of goods, destined for rebels, by sea 0; gag? of€th€9§I“lt°d.Sm“* Pl€dg°d» ···· I2} land, to be prohibited and prevented,.404, aeco31)nt€;`rho:vu;ioshiFl:[epfU . NI U l I treasurertz) t ,»•••.·· A Becumty may be ,,8 ui ed,. I o o · lI .404 _ aocoun quarterly, ... . 122 goods rnay be forfegecg ... mayrlaetefitlidtgt pu to public creditors' 122 proceedings; for penalties and forfeitures, 405 to be 3 tees? Org Such mms' how ger gre rrgalalne corps, . 816 transferable bey 122 e 81 s, , .. . 646 gy 9 ' f I,t» . _ y, Z . 122 Tmn;8§§¢;:at;;x gzrlspgners, ... 635 reciaeilsxpleszéitepayment of dues to the 122 itional duties secured hy ma be re·````'`'` . ‘' t' rpmed; if oblipors are withougihult,. 271 anshgitczgqgomf how Hcermmed m 122 um er the ware ousing act in case of -`````` `` pretach of, étdditiouul dutyyto be equal prgglliigof, Keggiireifs gefewed by 122 Trump;.] ... 559 Sg§;;?,~_;S0€DT;3?£5; tgngliilligpzgégrlzé approprxa lon or, 381 such notes 2 laws giving preference to American m pa ’ `````'`` · ``````' 12 - - Y 0% 12 t t , .. ‘ ‘ Trammagggs m, repealed, 382 to purclhasstherzdztupag ... forggvar depmm, how e be inspect 338 “‘°{3fX‘é'l?3lSLTT‘."?T.*}T?’T¥’T‘?’}T‘?T’?.*T‘?‘? 122 , ,. . new notes may be issued in lace of T"w;°”; St the Umm Sums how pu these redeemed, ... .. 128 _ » ¤· 'ut not after January 1 1863, . 123 1Sh0d, . 589, 590 aggregate at no time, to exceed former acts oi, not affected, ... . 590 $10,000,000, . . . 128 death, or 1mpr1sonment and Bue, . . . 590 Secretary of Treasury to publish m0nthslaves} ot; persons convicted of, no be ly statement of notes issued, redeemmae ree 590 d cl tsta d` ... punishment oi, not to work forfeiture of appropiiatioln fo: eirlgense of preparing 123 real estape of ofender beyond his notes, &c., . . . .. . ... 123 natural life, ... 627 money hereafter contracted for under Treasurer, _ act of June 22, 1860, to be applied to of board of police, bond, pay, &c.,. .321, 325 redeem treasury notes, ,. 123, 124 accounts of,. ..1 . 323 forging, counterfeiting, &c., the notes, of school fund m Washington County, how punished, . 123‘ D. C., duties, &c., of, in regard to pri- uttering, passing, altering, &c., how punmary schools,.: ,.,.. 395-402 xshed, . 123 See Przmary Schools. engraving plate, or possessing engraved Treasurer of the Mint, plate, &c., with intent, &c., how punin Philadelphia, to designate chief clerk, 752 ished, . . , , . 123 chief clerk npay agi: as treasurer,..752, possession of blank notes, &c., or paduties 0 e er s, per &c., with intent, &<:. how uu· Treasurer of the United States, ished, .. . ,... , .. . . 122 appropriations for office oi.95, 96, 136, 137, issue oi} under act of March 2, 1861,. .. 179 358, 359, 685, 686 ten millions may be issued it, &o., ..,... 179 pay of, .. 534 to be in sums of not less than fifty T salargbpi increased to $5000, . . 762 dollzgrs, . . ...,. . . . .1. 179 reasury pamuent rate o interest an w len it shal appropriations ior,.94-96, 136, 137, 276, 358, close, ... , ,...,. 179 359, 685, 686 may be substituted for whole or part of appropriation for additional and tempo- bonds, . ... . .. 179 rary clerks in, ,. 394, 686 certificate not to be exchanged for appropriation for temporary clerks m, bonds, in sums less than $500,. . 179 to include what, ... 752 may be takenin payment of dues to the temporary clerks in, may be classiied,. 394, _United States,: ..., 179 686 faith of the United States pledged to appointment of assislraut-register au- their payment, 179 thorized, ...,. . . ... 656 appropriation for expenses of act, . 179 his term, salary, duties,. .. 656 authority to issue, limited to June 30, appropriation for, 656 1862, .,... x . ._ ., . .. 179 Deasury Extension, redeemable W1ChlD two years, at pleasappropriation for, .. . .. 105, 220 ure of the United States, ... 179