Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1494

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1442 INDEX. non nun `Wismabogaes, (continued.) Witnesses, (continued.) improvements to be appraised separ- ceedings in the District of Columately. . 695 bin, .. 539 when to be subject to preemption,. 659 competency of] in federal courts, trials who may preempt, .. . 059 at common law, equity, and admiralty, what is not preémpted may be sold, 659 to be determined by law of state in minimum price, .. 659 which court is held, . 588, 589 improvements, how treated, ... 659 examined as to claims against New lands oi set apart for debts to be sold Granada., if unwilling. may be comby sealed bids, 659 pelled to testify, .. . 615 bids when and how received, .. 659 provisions concerning depositions and what taken in payment, ... 659 ailidavits in cases in Patent Omce,. . . 246 proceeds of sale, how disposed of].. 659 may be summoned and compelled to lands to be allotted in sevemlty, &c.,. . . 659 give their attendance, . , 246 to be vested in such Indian and his travel and attendance, 246 heirs, . 659 not compelled to disclose certain matamount of allotment, . 659 ters, .. 246 annual appropriations for, how expend- in examination of claims against New ed, 669, 660 Granada and Costa Rica., ... 146 discrimination in favor of faithful chiefs, 660 may be compelled to attend before board Indians subject to criminal laws of the of police, .. 324 United States and state, &c., 660 who may administer oaths, &c., to,. 324 cannot make valid contracts, .. 660 perjury by, what shall constitute,. . 324 provision for their education, .. 660 accommodations to be provided in Dis- Winnebago lieservaLz'on, trict of Columbia, for those detained as, 324 what to be known as the, . 1102 depositions of certain, may be taken for Wisconsin, use before military courts,. . 736 postroutes in, established, . 167, 419, 664 before courts·mu.rtial and courts of inannual direct tax apportioned to, .. 296 quiry, judge-advocate may compel certain lots of land in, to be surveyed,. 530 the attendance otj ... . . 754 construction of word " northerly," in testimony of those residing in the act granting lands to aid in construe- 'United States may be taken to be tion of railroads in, . 618 used in certain suits in foreign counstate to receive same quantity of lands, 618 tries, . 769 grant of land to, for railroad, . . 618 mode of procedure to take, 769 road to be constructed within, &c.,. 618 penalty if witness does not appear, or lands on line of road, how disposed of,. .618, refuses to testity, .. 769 619 fees and mileage of} .. 769 to constitute part of the eighth judicial commissions to take testimony oi in circuit, .. . . 637 foreign countries in suits in which made part of ninth judicial circuit, . 648 the United States are interested, how terms of circuit and district courts in,. . 699 returned, .. 769, 770 act granting lands to, in alternate sec- Witness Fees, tions to aid in construction of a mili· in prize cases, how to be paid, . 760 tary waigon-road, . .. 797 Wood, Emma A., lands subject to disposal of legislature,. 797 life pension to, ,... . .. 830 mode of disposal of lands, . 798 ———, Oliver Spencer, mode ofconstmcting roads, ... 798 accounts to be settled equitably and aldistrict court in, may issue executions, lowunces made, 905, 906 &c., in certain cases, ... 807 —-—-, Wl.,/I-07h dlaxwel/, Hqlnesces, payment to, for mileage, .. 925 testimony of amy, before congress or Woods, Henry, committee, not to be used against account oi§ to be reopened, ... S7-1 him, . . 333 Woo/seq, Theodore D., privilege not to extend to official paper appointed regent of the Smithsonian Inor record, ., . .. 333 stitution, .. . .. 617 not privileged from testifying or produc- ·—, William, ing paper, .. . .. 333 title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed may be punished for perjury, .. 333 to, 891, 802 Indians are competent, in cases under Worden, Lieutenant J. L., actto regulate trade, Sec., ... 339 thanks of Congress to, and to the 055- before commissioners, under act abolish- cers and men of his command, ... 622 ing slavery in District of Columbia, ——, Commander John L., may be compelled to attend,. 377 thanks of Congress to, 823 color not to exclude, . 377 Worzhen, Daniel, persons making claim, may be examin- title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed ed as, . 877 to, ... 891 persons claimed. may be culled, for pur- -————-, Richard, pose of identification, ... 377 title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed in the District of Columbia, committed to, .891, 892 for want of bail, to be placed in house Wounded, of industry,. . .‘ . . . .. 500 the, of the army, provision for, in me color not to exclude, in any judicial pro- of emergencies, 379