Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/160

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130 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 30, 33, 37. 1861. dent to the execution of this act, the sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated: Provided, That no ccmpensmnon shall be allowed for any service performed under this act to any officer whose salary is establishedb law. smug of Sec. 7. Aged be it further enacted, 'léhut the Seegetaryff the 'greasury 1‘r¤u need shall not be obli ed to accept the most avora e 1 s as erem e ore pro- °°" ’·‘¥g’* ms vided, unless heiball consider it advantageous to the United States to do °m°°’ ° so, but for any portion of such loan, not taken under the first advertisement, he may advertise again at his discretion. Ar1>x0vm>, February 8, 1861. February 8 1861 Cuu. XXX.—An Act t;m; {g g of Iudian Ajairs for Wa.shing· Washington Be it enacted by the Senate and House 9* Representatives of the United Territory may bg States of America in Omgress assembled, That the President be and be mule ¤ S¤p¤5‘¤f¤ is hereby authorized to make a separate superiutendency of Washington g’g£;f;p°"°“ Territory, and to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate or durinv the recess thereof and until the end of its next session Superintendent after such appointment, e superintendent of Indian s.f}`a.ix·s for said Terri- ¤¤d ¤¤1=¤7· tory, with un annual salary of twenty-Eve hundred dollars. _ Szc. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President be and he is .Th'°" °?w" hereby authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the hone.} Indmn _ _ _ mum author- Senate, or during the recess thereof, and until the end of ats next session ¤¢d·····S¤l¤.S’· after such appointment, three additional Indian agents for said Territory, Pmviso. with an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars each: Provide<L That no avent or sub-agent either special or temporary or otherwise shall be app0?nted, employed, er continued in employment in Washingten Territoryaexcept only the three agents and two sub-agents provided for by exguugéavz aéncxhe additional agents provided by this act. L-m-,8 ,· mc. . n it enacted That the President in a.d'ustin the qtpsrultgsden- limits of the respective superintemiencics of Oregon und 'Washington, gf; Qvufxgfou may attach any tribe situated partly in both or either superintendency, in my be adjusted, such manner as in his judgment may best promote the public service. Amuzovma, February 8, 1861. Febm,_,»y;;;,1g6]_ Cnr. XXXIH. —An Act to change Mxzne cg/'the Sc/worm- "Augusta " to “Cblond Th, mhmm. Be it enacted by Senate and House ry' Representatives of the United

§u?t3*i to lie States of America on Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas-

CMU, °°"° ur] be and 18 hereby authorized to change the name of the Americanbuxlt schooner ".Augusta," owned by George W. Bissell of Detroit, Michigan, to that of “Colonel C0ok," and to grant her 2. register in that name. A1>r1z0v1c1>, February 13, 1861. F°mm18 1861 Cmp. XXXm.— A;£§ x ¢% €?§ xmlg Decisions q/‘ Oireuit Z 68.

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