Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/979

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TREATY WITH THE DWAMISH &c. INDIANS. JAN. 22, 1855. 927 T R E A T I E S . Treaty between the United States and the Dweimish, Suqudmish, and other allied and subordinate Tribes of Indians in Washington Ybrritory. Uoncluded at Point Elliott, Washington Territory, January 22, 1855. Ratijied by the Senate, March 8, 1859. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, April 11, 1859. JAMES BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ro ALL AND SINGULAR T0 WHOM THESE rmssnwrs snnm. COME,GREE1‘ING2 J`¤¤· 22. 1865- Wrrnnnns a treaty was made and concluded at Muckl-te—6h, or Point Preamble. Elliott, in the Territory of Washington, the twenty-second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, by Isaac I. Stevens, governor and superintendent of Indian affairs For the said Territory, on the part of the United States, and the hereinafter-named chiefs, headmen, and delegates of the Dwamish, Suquémish, Sk-té.hl—mish, Sam-ahmish, Smalltkahmish, Skope-ahmish, St-kah-mish, Snoqualmoo, Skai-wha—mish, N’Quentl-ma-mish, Sk-tah-le-jum, Stoluclvwhé.-xnish, Sno—ho-mish, Skagit, Kik-i—allus, Swin-:i—mish, Squimeih-mish, Sah-ku-méhu, Noo-wha.-ha., Nook-wa-chah-mish, Mee-see—qua-guilch, Cho-bah-ah-bish, and other allied and subordinate tribes and bands of Indians occupying certain lands situated in said Territory of Washington. on behalt'ot' said tribes and duly authorized by them; which treaty is in the words and figures following to wit: Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at Muckl- Contracting te-6h, or Point Elliott, in the Territory of Washington, this twenty-second P”“`“°“· day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, by Isaac I. Stevens, governor and superintendent of Indian atfairs for the said Territory, on the part of the United States, and the undersigned chiefs, headmen and delegates of the Dwamish, Suquamish, Sk-tahl·mish, Sam-éhmish, Smalhkamish, Skope-ahmish, St-kéh-mish, Snoqualmoo, Skai-wha-mish, N’Quentl—ma-mish, Sk-tab-le-jum, Stoluck-wha.-mish, Sno·ho-mish, Ska.- git, Kik-i~a.llus, Swin-a-mish, Squin-ah-mish, Sah-ku-méhu, Noc-wbérha, Nook·n*a-cltali-mish, Me-sée-qua-guilch, Cho·bah-ah-bish. and other allied and subordinate tribes and bands of Indians occupying certain lands situated in said Territory of Washington, ou behalf of said tribes, and duly authorized by them. Amrcnn I. The said tribes and bands of Indians hereby cede, relin- C¢;¤i¤g<>§` le1¤d¤ quish, and convey to the United States all their right, title, and interest §°ml,B:_ me in and to the lands and country occupied by them, bounded and described as tbllows: Commencing at a point on the eastern side of Admiralty Boundaries. Inlet, known as Point Pully, about midway between Commencement and Elliott Bays; thence eastwardly, running along the north line of lands heretofore ceded to the United 'States by the Nisqually, Puyallup, and Vol. x. p. 1182. other Indians, to the summit of the Cascade range of mountains ; thence northwardly, following the summit of said range to the 49th parallel of north latitude; thence west, along said parallel to the middle of the Gulf of Georgia ; thence through the middle of said gulf and the main channel through the Canal de Arro to the Straits of Fuca, and crossing the