Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2515

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12 2 STA T . 2 49 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 73—J UL Y 1 5, 200 8LEGIS L AT I V E H IST ORY— H . R. 57 7 8:C O N GRESSIONAL RECOR D, V ol . 1 5 4(20 08 )

June9 , c on sid e r ed a nd p assed House. June 1 6 , considered and passed Sena t e. ofthisAc to ranyD istrict of C o lumb ia la w, th e financial mana g e - ment, p ersonnel, an d procurement functions and responsibilities of the District of Columbia W ater and S ewer Authority shall be established e x clusi v ely pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by its B oard of Directors .N othing in the previous sentence may be construed to affect the application to the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority of sections 4 4 5 A, 45 1( d ) ,45 3 (c), or 4 90 (g). ‘ ‘(b) C ONSI S TE N CY WIT HEX ISTIN G A U THO R I Z ING LAW . —T he rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority to establish the financial management, personnel, and procurement functions and responsibilities of the Authority shall be consistent with the Water and Sewer Authority Establishment and Department of P ublic Wor k s R eorgani z ation Act of 199 6 , as such Act is in effect as of J anuary 1, 2 00 8 . ’ ’. (b) C L ERICAL A M EN D MENTS.—(1) The table of contents of such Act is amended by amending the item relating to part F of title IV to read as follows

‘ PARTF —I NDEP ENDENT A G EN CI E S AND A U T HO RITIES ’ ’. (2) The table of contents of such Act is further amended by adding at the end of the items relating to part F of title IV the following: ‘‘Sec. 496. Independent f inancial m ana g ement, personnel, and procurement aut h or - it y of District of Colum b ia W ater and Se w er Authority.’’. SEC.4 . PR ESER VING E QUAL ELIGI B ILI TYOF RESI D ENTS OF J URISDIC - TIONS SERVED BY DISTRICT OF COLU M BIA W ATER AND SEWER AUT H ORITY TO SERVE AS EMPLOYEES OF AUTHORITY. (a) IN G ENERAL.—Section 213 of D.C. Act 1 7 —172 is repealed, and each provision of law amended by such section is restored as if such section had not been enacted into law. (b) E F FECTI V E DATE.—Subsection (a) shall take effect as if included in the enactment of D.C. Act 17—172. Approved July 15, 2008.