Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2888

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12 2 STA T . 2 865PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 28 9—J UL Y3 0 , 2008 TI T LEV III —HOUS I NGPR ESERV A TION S ubti t le A—P r e s er va ti on Un d er F ederal Housin g Progra m s SEC.2801 .C LARIF ICA T I ON OF D IS P OSITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES. Notwi t hs t and in g an y oth erp ro v ision o fl aw , s ub title A of title I Iofthe D efi c it R eduction Act of 20 0 5(1 2 U.S . C . 1 7 01 z- 11 note ) and the a m endments made by such title shall not apply to any transaction regarding a multifamily real property for which — (1) the Secretary of H ousing and Urban Development has received, before the date of the enactment of such Act, written e x pressions of interest in purchasing the property from both a city government and the housing commission of such city

(2) after such receipt, the Secretary ac q uires title to the property at a foreclosure sale; and ( 3 ) such city government and housing commission have resolved a previous disagreement with respect to the disposition of the property. SEC. 2802. ELI G I B ILIT Y OF CERTAIN PRO J ECTS FOR EN H ANCED V O U CHER ASSISTANCE. Notwithstanding any other provision of law— (1) the property k nown as T he Heritage Apartments ( F HA No. 023- 4 4 8 04), in M alden, Massachusetts, shall be considered eligible low-income housing for purposes of the eligibility of residents of the property for enhanced voucher assistance under section 8(t) of the United States Housing Act of 1 9 37 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(t)), pursuant to paragraph (2)(A) of section 223(f) of the L ow-Income Housing P reservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (12 U.S.C. 4113(f)(2)(A)); (2) such residents shall receive enhanced rental housing vouchers upon the prepayment of the mortgage loan for the property under section 23 6 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-1); and (3) the Secretary shall approve such prepayment and subse- quent transfer of the property without any further condition, except that the property shall be restricted for occupancy, until the original maturity date of the prepaid mortgage loan, only by families with incomes not exceeding 80 percent of the ad j usted median income for the area in which the property is located, as published by the Secretary. Amounts for the enhanced vouchers pursuant to this section shall be provided under amounts appropriated for tenant-based rental assistance otherwise authorized under section 8(t) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. SEC. 280 3 . TRANSFER OF CERTAIN RENTAL ASSISTANCE CONTRACTS. (a) T RANSFE R.—Subject to subsection (c) and notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall, at the request of the owner, transfer or authorize the transfer, of the contracts, restrictions, and debt described in subsection (b)— (1) on the housing that is owned or managed by Community Properties of O hio Management Services LLC or an affiliate of Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing and located in Franklin Ohio.Publ i c i nf o rmat ion. M a s sachus e tts. D isa dv anta g ed p ersons. Deadlines.