Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3379

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12 2 STA T .3 3 56PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 315 — AU G .1 4, 200 8‘ ‘ (E)Thecontribu tion , on ap ercent ba s is, o f the pro -g ra m s for w hich the institution is e l igible to recei v e fun d s under this section to the total number of A frican Americans receiving masters degrees in the disciplines related to the programs for the previous y ear . ‘‘(g) HOLD H ARM L ES S RU LE. —N otwithstanding paragraphs ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) of subsection (f), no eligible institution identified in sub- section (b)( 1 ) that receives a grant under this section for fiscal year 2 0 0 9 and that is eligible to receive a grant in a subse q uent fiscal year shall receive a grant amount in any such subsequent fiscal year that is less than the grant amount received for fiscal year 2009, unless— ‘‘(1) the amount appropriated is not sufficient to provide such grant amounts to all such institutions and programs that received grants under this section for such fiscal year and that are eligible to receive a grant in such subsequent fiscal year

or ‘‘(2) the institution cannot provide sufficient matching funds to meet the requirements of this section. ‘ ‘ SEC.725 . AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A P PROPRIATIONS. ‘‘(a) M AS T ERS D E G REE P ROGRAMS AT H I STORI C ALL YB LAC KC OL- LEGES A N D U NI V ERSITIES.—There are authori z ed to be appropriated to carry out section 7 23 such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2009 and each of the five succeeding fiscal years. ‘‘(b) MASTERS DEGREE PROGRAMS AT PREDOMINANTLY BLACK I NSTITUTIONS.—There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 72 4 such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2009 and each of the five succeeding fiscal years. ’ ’. SEC. 7 0 7. FUN D FOR THE I M PRO V EMENT OF POSTSECONDAR Y EDU - CATION. (a) CONTRACT AND G RANT PUR P OSES.— S ection 741(a) (20 U.S.C. 113 8 (a)) is amended— (1) by stri k ing paragraphs (1) through (3) and inserting the following

‘‘(1) the encouragement of reform and improvement of, and innovation in, postsecondary education and the provision of educational opportunity for all students, including nontradi- tional students; ‘‘(2) the creation of institutions, programs, and j oint efforts involving paths to career and professional training, including— ‘‘(A) efforts that provide academic credit for programs; and ‘‘(B) combinations of academic and e x periential learning; ‘‘(3) the establishment and continuation of institutions, pro- grams, consortia, collaborations, and other joint efforts based on communications technology, including those efforts that uti- lize distance education and technological advancements to edu- cate and train postsecondary students (including health profes- sionals serving medically underserved populations);’’; (2) by striking paragraph ( 6 ) and inserting the following: ‘‘(6) the introduction of institutional reforms designed to expand individual opportunities for entering and reentering postsecondary institutions and pursuing programs of postsec- ondary study tailored to individual needs;’’; (3) in paragraph (7), by striking ‘‘and’’ after the semicolon; 20USC1 1 36c.