Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3896

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12 2 STA T .387 3 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 3 4 3 —O CT. 3 , 2008 (1)Theam e nd men t made bysu bse c t io n (a) sha l la p ply toe x penditu r es paid or incurred durin g taxable years beginning a f ter D ecember 3 1 ,20 0 7. (2) The amendments made by subsection (b) shall apply to credits determined under section 45G of the I nternal R e v enue C odeof1 986 in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, and to carrybac k s of such credits. SEC.317 .SE V E N-Y E AR C O S T RECOVERY P ER I O DF OR M OTORSPORTS RACIN G TRAC K FACI L ITY. (a) I N G E NE RAL . —S ubparagraph (D) of section 168(i)(15) (relating to termination) is amended by striking ‘ ‘December 31, 2007 ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2009’’. (b) EF FE CTIV E DATE.—The amendment made by this section shall apply to property placed in service after December 31, 2007. SEC. 31 8 .E X PENSING OF ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION COSTS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (h) of section 198 (relating to termination) is amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2007’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2009’’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made by this section shall apply to expenditures paid or incurred after December 31, 2007. SEC. 31 9 . EXTENSION OF W ORK OPPORT U NITY TAX CREDIT FOR H URRICANE KATRINA EMPLOYEES. (a) IN GENERAL.— P aragraph (1) of section 201(b) of the K atrina Emergency Tax Relief A ct of 2005 is amended by striking ‘‘2 - year’’ and inserting ‘‘4-year’’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to individuals hired after August 27, 2007. SEC. 3 20 . EXTENSION OF INCREASED REHA B ILITATION CREDIT FOR STRUCTURES IN THE GULF OPPORTUNITY Z ONE. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (h) of section 1400 N is amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2008’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2009’’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made by this section shall apply to expenditures paid or incurred after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 321. ENHANCED DEDUCTION FOR Q UALIFIED COMPUTER CON- TRIBUTIONS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Subparagraph (G) of section 170(e)(6) is amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2007’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2009’’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made by this section shall apply to contributions made during taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007. SEC. 322. TAX INCENTIVES FOR INVESTMENT IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. (a) DE S I G NATI O NOF Z ONE.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (f) of section 1400 is amended by striking ‘‘2007’’ both places it appears and inserting ‘‘2009’’. (2) EFFECTIVE D ATE.—The amendments made by this sub- section shall apply to periods beginning after December 31, 2007. (b) TA X -EXE MP T ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT B ONDS.— 26USC140 0 note. 26USC1 7 0 note. 26 USC 1400 N note. 11 9 St a t. 2020. 26 USC 19 8 note. 26 USC 168 note. 26 USC 168. 26 USC 3 8 note. 26USC4 5G note.