Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4221

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12 2 STA T .4 1 98PUBLIC LA W 11 0–3 92 —O CT. 13 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (C)ef f ic ie ntlyu tili z in g t h e F e d e ra lre so urces in v olved . ‘‘( 3 )C OMPREH E NSIV EP LA N. — ‘‘( A ) I N G ENERAL.—In carrying out p aragraph ( 2 ) , the Council shall m a k e or update recommendations on the development, revision, and implementation of a comprehen - sive plan to eliminate tu b erculosis in the U nited S tates. ‘‘( B ) CONS U L T ATION.—In carrying out subparagraph (A), the Council may consult w ith appropriate public and private entities, which may, sub j ect to the direction or discretion of the Secretary, include— ‘‘(i) individuals who are scientists, physicians, laboratorians, and other health professionals, who are not officers or employees of the Federal G overnment and who represent the disciplines relevant to tuber- culosis elimination

‘‘(ii) members of public-private partnerships or pri- vate entities established to address the elimination of tuberculosis; ‘‘(iii) members of national and international non- governmental organizations whose purpose is to elimi- nate tuberculosis; ‘‘(iv) members from the general public who are knowledgeable with respect to tuberculosis elimination including individuals who have or have had tuber- culosis; and ‘‘(v) scientists, physicians, laboratorians, and other health professionals who reside in a foreign country with a substantial incidence or prevalence of tuber- culosis, and who represent the specialties and dis- ciplines relevant to the research under consideration. ‘‘(C) CERTAIN C OMPONENTS O F PLAN.—In carrying out subparagraph (A), the Council shall, subject to the direction or discretion of the Secretary— ‘‘(i) consider recommendations for the involvement of the United States in continuing global and cross- border tuberculosis control activities in countries where a high incidence of tuberculosis directly affects the United States; and ‘‘(ii) review the e x tent to which progress has been made toward eliminating tuberculosis. ‘‘( 4 ) BIENNIAL REPORT.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.— T he Council shall submit a biennial report to the Secretary, as determined necessary by the Secretary, on the activities carried under this section. E ach such report shall include the opinion of the Council on the extent to which its recommendations regarding the elimination of tuberculosis have been implemented, including with respect to— ‘‘(i) activities under subsection (b); and ‘‘(ii) the national plan referred to in paragraph (3). ‘‘(B) P U B LIC.—The Secretary shall make a report sub- mitted under subparagraph (A) public. ‘‘( 5 ) COMPOSITION.—The Council shall be composed of— ‘‘(A) ex officio representatives from the Centers for D isease Control and Prevention, the N ational Institutes of H ealth, the United States Agency for International Recom me nda-ti on s.