Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4417

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12 2 STA T .439 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8(1)Thebal l ist i cm issile d e f e n se po lic y of the U nited S tates in r elation to the o v erall national sec u rity policy of the United States . ( 2 ) The ballistic missile defense strate g yandob j ectives of the United States in relation to the national security strategy of the United States and the military strategy of the United States. ( 3 ) The ballistic missile threat to the United States , deployed forces of the United States, and friends and allies of the United States from short, medium, intermediate, and long - range ballistic missile threats. ( 4 ) The organi z ation, discharge, and oversight of ac q uisition for the ballistic missile defense programs of the United States. ( 5 ) The roles and responsibilities of the O ffice of the Sec- retary of D efense, defense agencies, combatant commands, the J oint C hiefs of Staff, and the military departments in such programs. ( 6 ) The process for determining requirements for missile defense capabilities under such programs, including input from the joint military requirements process. ( 7 ) The process for determining the force structure and inventory objectives for such programs. ( 8 ) Standards for the military utility, operational effective- ness, suitability, and survivability of the ballistic missile defense systems of the United States. ( 9 ) The method in w hich resources for the ballistic missile defense mission are planned, programmed, and budgeted within the Department of Defense. (1 0 ) The near-term and long-term affordability and cost- effectiveness of such programs. (11) The objectives, requirements, and standards for test and evaluation with respect to such programs. (12) A ccountability, transparency, and oversight with respect to such programs. (13) The role of international cooperation on missile defense in the ballistic missile defense policy and strategy of the United States. (14) Any other matters the Secretary determines relevant. (c) REPORT . — (1) ING ENER AL .— N ot later than January 31, 2010, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report setting forth the results of the review required by subsection (a). (2) F OR M .—The report required by this subsection shall be in unclassified form, but may include a classified anne x . SEC.235 . AIRBO R N E L ASER S Y S T E M . (a) REPORT ON D I RE C TOR O F OPERATIONAL TE S TAN DEV AL U A- TION ASSESSMENT OF TESTING.—Not later than January 15, 2010, the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation shall— (1) review and evaluate the testing conducted on the first Airborne L aser System aircraft, including the planned shoot- down demonstration testing

and (2) submit to the Secretary of Defense and to Congress an assessment by the Director of the operational effectiveness, suitability, and survivability of the Airborne Laser System. (b) LIMITATION ON AVAILA B ILIT Y OF FUNDS FOR LATER AIRBORNE LASER SYSTEM AIRCRAFT.—No funds appropriated pursuant to an