Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4610

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12 2 STA T .4587PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 2008 (2)insub s ect i o n (c) , b y st r i k in g‘ ‘2 0 0 8’ ’ a n d inserting ‘‘200 9 ’’ .SEC.1024 .E XPAN S IO NAN D EX T ENSION O F A U T H O R IT Y TO PRO V IDE ADDITIONA L SUPPORT FOR COUNTER - DRU G ACTIVITIES OF CERTAIN FOREIGN GOVERN M ENTS. (a) EXTENSIO NO FAU T H O R IT Y . —S ubsection (a)(2) o f section 1 0 3 3 oft h e N ationa lD efense Authori z ation Act for F iscal Y ear 1998 ( P ublic L a w 10 5– 85

111 Stat. 1881), as a m ended by section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 200 4 (Public Law 108–13 6 ,11 7 Stat. 1593), section 1022 of the J ohn W arner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109–364; 120 Stat. 2137), and section 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110–181; 122 Stat. 304), is further amended by striking ‘‘2008’’ and inserting ‘‘2009’’. (b) A D DITION ALG O V ERN M ENTS ELI G I B LE TO R E C EIVE SU P- PORT.—Subsection (b) of such section is amended by adding at the end the following new p aragraphs

‘‘(19) T he Go v ernment of Guinea– B issau. ‘‘(20) The Government of Senegal. ‘‘(21) The Government of El Salvador. ‘‘(22) The Government of H onduras.’’. (c) M AXIMUM ANNUAL AMOUNT OF SUPPORT.—Subsection (e)(2) of such section is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘or’’ after ‘‘2006,’’; and (2) by striking the period at the end and inserting ‘‘, or $ 75,000,000 during fiscal year 2009.’’. (d) C ONDITION ON PROVISION OF SUPPORT.—Subsection (f) of such section is amended— (1) in paragraph (2), by inserting after ‘‘ I n the case of’’ the following: ‘‘funds appropriated for fiscal year 2009 to carry out this section and’’; and (2) in paragraph (4)(B), by striking ‘‘Committee on Inter- national Relations’’ and inserting ‘‘Committee on Foreign Affairs’’. (e) COUNTER-DRUG PLAN.—Subsection (h) of such section is amended— (1) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘fiscal year 2004’’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal year 2009’’; and (2) in subparagraph (7), by striking ‘‘For the first fiscal year’’ and inserting ‘‘For fiscal year 2009, and thereafter, for the first fiscal year’’. SEC. 102 5 . COMPREHENSIVE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STRATEGY FOR COUNTER-NARCOTICS EFFORTS FOR UNITED STATES AFRICA COMMAND. (a) REPORT RE Q UIRED.—Not later than June 30, 2009, the Sec- retary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense commit- tees a comprehensive strategy of the Department of the Defense with regard to counter-narcotics efforts in Africa, with an emphasis on West Africa and the Maghreb. The Secretary of Defense shall prepare the strategy in consultation with the Secretary of State. (b) MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED.—The comprehensive strategy shall consist of a general overview and a separate detailed section for each of the following: (1) A description of the overall U nited States counter- narcotics policy for Africa.