Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4612

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12 2 STA T .4589PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 2008 descript i on o f t h ee x pected al location of reso u rces of the D epart -m ent of Defense to accomplish these priorities .(3)T he on g oing and planned counter-narcotics acti v ities funded by the Department of Defense for such regions and countries. ( 4 ) The efforts to coordinate the counter-narcotics activities of the Department of Defense w ith the counter-narcotics activi- ties of such regions and countries and the counter-narcotics activities of other international partners in such regions and countries. ( 5 ) The specific metrics used by the Department of Defense to evaluate progress of activities to reduce the production and traffic k ing of illicit narcotics in such regions and countries. Subti t leD—M i sc ell an e o us A ut h o r ities an dL i m itations SEC.103 1.E NHA NCE M EN TOF THE CA P AC I T Y OF THE U NITE D STATES G O V E R NMENT TO CONDUCT COMP L E X OPERATIONS. (a) INGE NE RAL . —C hapter 20 of title 1 0 ,U nited S tates Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section

‘ §409.Cent e rfo rCo mpl e xO per a t i on s‘ ‘(a) CEN T ER AU T HO R IZ E D .—The Secretary of Defense may estab- lish a center to be known as the ‘Center for Complex O perations ’ (in this section referred to as the ‘Center’). ‘‘(b) P UR P O S ES.—The purposes of the Center established under subsection (a) shall be the following: ‘‘(1) To provide for effective coordination in the preparation of Department of Defense personnel and other United States Government personnel for complex operations. ‘‘(2) To foster unity of effort during complex operations among— ‘‘(A) the departments and agencies of the United States Government

‘‘( B ) foreign governments and militaries; ‘‘(C) international organi z ations and international non- governmental organizations; and ‘‘(D) domestic nongovernmental organizations. ‘‘(3) To conduct research; collect, analyze, and distribute lessons learned; and compile best practices in matters relating to complex operations. ‘‘(4) To identify gaps in the education and training of Department of Defense personnel, and other relevant United States Government personnel, relating to complex operations, and to facilitate efforts to fill such gaps. ‘‘(c) CON C URRENCE O F THE SECRETAR Y OF STATE.—The Sec- retary of Defense shall seek the concurrence of the Secretary of State to the extent the efforts and activities of the Center involve the entities referred to in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of subsection (b)(2). ‘‘(d) SUPPORT F RO M OTHER UNITED STATES GO V ERNMENT DEPARTMENTS OR A G ENCIES.—The head of any non-Department of Defense department or agency of the United States Government may—