Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4661

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12 2 STA T .4638PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (c)AVAIL A B ILI TYOF A P P R OPRIAT EDFUN D S.— ( 1 )F undsap p ro- pr i a te dtot h e D epart m ent o f Defense for operation and maintenance are a v ai l a b le as follo w s

‘‘(A) T opa y the U nited S tates share of the operatin g e x penses of any multinational military center of excellence in which the United States participates under this section. ‘‘( B ) To pay the costs of the participation of members of the armed forces and Department of Defense civilian personnel in multinational military centers of excellence under this sec- tion , including the costs of expenses of such participants. ‘‘( 2 ) N o funds may be used under this section to fund the pay or salaries of members of the armed forces and Department of Defense civilian personnel who participate in multinational mili- tary centers of excellence under this section. ‘‘(d) USE OF DEPART M ENT OF DEFENSE FA C ILITIES AND EQ UIP- MENT.—Facilities and e q uipment of the Department of Defense may be used for purposes of the support of multinational military centers of excellence under this section that are hosted by the Department. ‘‘(e) ANNUAL R EPORTS ON USE OF AUT H ORITY.—(1) Not later than O ctober 3 1,2 0 0 9 , and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the C ommittee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the H ouse of Representatives a report on the use of the authority in this section during the preceding fiscal year. ‘‘(2) Each report required by paragraph (1) shall include, for the fiscal year covered by such report, the following: ‘‘(A) A detailed description of the participation of the Department of Defense, and of members of the armed forces and civilian personnel of the Department, in multinational military centers of excellence under the authority of this section. ‘‘(B) For each multinational military center of excellence in which the Department of Defense, or members of the armed forces or civilian personnel of the Department, so participated— ‘‘(i) a description of such multinational military center of excellence

‘‘(ii) a description of the activities participated in by the Department, or by members of the armed forces or civilian personnel of the Department; and ‘‘(iii) a statement of the costs of the Department for such participation, including— ‘‘( I ) a statement of the United States share of the expenses of such center and a statement of the percentage of the United States share of the expenses of such center to the total expenses of such center; and ‘‘(II) a statement of the amount of such costs (including a separate statement of the amount of costs paid for under the authority of this section by category of costs). ‘‘(f) M ULTINATIONAL MILITARY CENTER OF E X CELLENCE DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘multinational military center of excellence ’ means an entity sponsored by one or more nations that is accredited and approved by the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organi z ation (NATO) as offering recognized expertise and experience to personnel participating in the activities