Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4917

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12 2 STA T .489 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 ac a mp ca r p u r s ua nt t o su b s e ct i on ( b ) an d s h a l l prohibit the use o f an y non - compliant camp car .T he S ecretary may assess ci v il penalties pursuant to chapter 213 for violations of this section. ’ ’. TI T LEV—RA IL P A S SE NG ER D ISASTER F A M IL Y ASSISTAN C E SEC.501 . A SS I S T A N CE BY NATI O NA L T R ANS P ORTATION SA F ETY BOAR D TO FA M ILIES OF PASSEN G ERS IN V OLVED IN RAIL PAS - SENGER ACCIDENTS. (a) INGE NE RAL . —C hapter 11 is amended by addin g at the end of subchapter III the follo w ing

‘ §1 1 39.As s i s tance t of a m i l ies of p assen g e r sin v olve d in rail passenger accidents ‘ ‘(a) IN GENERAL.— A s soon as practicable after being notified of a rail passenger accident within the U nited States involving a rail passenger carrier and resulting in a ma j or loss of life , the Chairman of the N ational Transportation Safety B oard shall— ‘‘(1) designate and publici z e the name and phone number of a director of family support services who shall be an employee of the Board and shall be responsible for acting as a point of contact within the F ederal Government for the families of passengers involved in the accident and a liaison between the rail passenger carrier and the families

and ‘‘(2) designate an independent nonprofit organization, with e x perience in disasters and post trauma communication with families, which shall have primary responsibility for coordi- nating the emotional care and support of the families of pas- sengers involved in the accident. ‘‘(b) R E SPO NS IB ILI T IES O F T H E BOAR D .—The Board shall have primary Federal responsibility for— ‘‘(1) facilitating the recovery and identification of fatally injured passengers involved in an accident described in sub- section (a); and ‘‘(2) communicating with the families of passengers involved in the accident as to the roles, with respect to the accident and the post-accident activities, of— ‘‘(A) the organization designated for an accident under subsection (a)(2); ‘‘(B) Government agencies; and ‘‘(C) the rail passenger carrier involved. ‘‘(c) RESPONSIBILITIES OF D ESI G NATED O RGANI Z ATION.—The organization designated for an accident under subsection (a)(2) shall have the following responsibilities with respect to the families of passengers involved in the accident: ‘‘(1) To provide mental health and counseling services, in coordination with the disaster response team of the rail pas- senger carrier involved. ‘‘(2) To ta k e such actions as may be necessary to provide an environment in which the families may grieve in private. ‘‘(3) To meet with the families who have traveled to the location of the accident, to contact the families unable to travel to such location, and to contact all affected families periodically thereafter until such time as the organization, in consultation with the director of family support services designated for the Designat i o ns .