Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5062

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12 2 STA T .5039PUBLIC LA W 110 –4 5 6—DE C. 23 , 200 8(5)When he b e cam e Pr e sid en t in 190 1 ,Ro ose v e l t pu rsued this interest in conservation b y establishin g the f irst 51 B ird Reserves, 4G ame Preserves, and 150 N ational F orests . ( 6 ) H e also established the U nited S tates Forest Service, signed into la w the creation of 5 National Par k s, and signed the A ct for the Preservation of American Anti q uities in 1906 under which he proclaimed 1 8 national monuments. ( 7 ) Appro x imately 23 0,000,000 acres of area within the United States was placed under public protection by T heodore Roosevelt. (8) Theodore Roosevelt said that nothing short of defending this country in wartime ‘ ‘compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us ’ ’. (9) The National Park Service was created by an Act signed by President Woodrow Wilson on August 25, 1916. (10) The National Park System comprises 391 areas cov - ering more than 84,000,000 acres in every State (except D ela- ware), the District of C olumbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the V irgin I slands. (11) The sites or areas within the National Park System vary widely in si z e and type from vast natural wilderness to birthplaces of Presidents to world heritage archaeology sites to an African burial ground memorial in M anhattan and include national parks, monuments, battlefields, military parks, histor- ical parks, historic sites, lakeshores, seashores, recreation areas, scenic rivers and trails, and the White House. (12) In addition to the sites within the National Park System, the United States has placed numerous other types of sites under various forms of conservancy, such as the national forests and sites within the National Wildlife Refuge System and on the National Register of Historic Places. SEC.102 . I SS UAN CE OFR E D ESI G NED Q UAR T ER DO L LARS E MB LEM - ATIC OF NATIONAL P AR K SOROT H ER NATIONAL SITES IN EACH STATE , THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND EACH TERRITOR Y . Section 5112 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection

‘‘(t) R ED E SIGNA ND ISS U AN C E OFQ UA RT ER DO L LARS EMB LEMATIC OF NATIONAL SITES IN EAC H STATE, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND EACH TERRITOR Y . — ‘‘(1) REDESIGN BEGINNING U P ON COMPLETION OF PRIOR PRO- GRAM.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding the fourth sen- tence of subsection (d)(1) and subsection (d)(2), quarter dollars issued beginning in 2010 shall have designs on the reverse selected in accordance with this subsection which are emblematic of the national sites in the States, the District of Columbia and the territories of the United States. ‘‘(B) FLE X IBILITY W ITH REGARD TO PLACEMENT OF INSCRIPTIONS.—Notwithstanding subsection (d)(1), the Sec- retary may select a design for quarter dollars referred to in subparagraph (A) in which—