Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5069

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12 2 STA T .5046PUBLIC LA W 110 – 45 7—DE C.2 3, 200 8‘ ‘ (i i )suchent ities do not cont r i b ute to tr af fic k in g in p ersons in v o l ving se x ual exploitation . ‘‘( B ) UNITEDS T A TES ASSISTAN C E. —T he D irector shall be responsible for— ‘‘(i) all polic y, funding, and progra m ming decisions regarding funds made available for trafficking in per - sons programs that are centrally controlled by the O ffice to M onitor and C ombat Trafficking

and ‘‘(ii) coordinating any trafficking in persons pro- grams of the Department of S tate or the United States A gency for I nternational Development that are not centrally controlled by the Director. ’ ’. SEC.103 . PR E V E NTIO N A N D PROSEC U TION O F TRAFFIC K IN G IN FOR - EIGN COUNTRIES. (a) PR E V ENTI O N.—Section 106 of the Trafficking V ictims Protec- tion Act of 2 000 (22 U.S. C. 7 10 4 ) is amended by adding at the end the follo w ing

‘‘(i) ADDITIONA L MEAS U RES TO PREVENT AND DETER TRA F - FIC K IN G .—The President shall establish and carry out programs to prevent and deter trafficking in persons, including— ‘‘(1) technical assistance and other support to improve the capacity of foreign governments to investigate, identify, and carry out inspections of private entities, including labor recruit- ment centers, at which trafficking victims may be exploited, particularly exploitation involving forced and child labor; ‘‘(2) technical assistance and other support for foreign governments and nongovernmental organi z ations to provide immigrant populations with information, in the native lan- guages of the ma j or immigrant groups of such populations, regarding the rights of such populations in the foreign country and local in-country nongovernmental organization-operated hotlines; ‘‘( 3 ) technical assistance to provide legal frameworks and other programs to foreign governments and nongovernmental organizations to ensure that— ‘‘(A) foreign migrant workers are provided the same protection as nationals of the foreign country; ‘‘(B) labor recruitment firms are regulated; and ‘‘(C) workers providing domestic services in households are provided protection under labor rights laws; and ‘‘(4) assistance to foreign governments to register vulner- able populations as citizens or nationals of the country to reduce the ability of traffickers to exploit such populations.’’. (b) PROSECUTION.—Section 134(a)(2) of the F oreign Assistance Actof1 9 61 (22 U.S.C. 21 5 2d(a)(2)) is amended by adding at the end before the semicolon the following: ‘‘, including investigation of individuals and entities that may be involved in trafficking in persons involving sexual exploitation’’. SEC. 10 4 . ASSISTANCE FOR VICTI M S OF TRAFFICKING IN OT H ER COUN- TRIES. Section 107(a) of Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7105(a)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)— (A) in the second sentence, by inserting before the period at the end the following: ‘‘, and shall be carried out in a manner which takes into account the cross-border, Presid e nt.