Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/554

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12 2 STA T .53 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 ArmyRes er v e


e n s io no f20 0 5P ro j e c tA u t h ori za tion I nsta l lation or L ocation Project Amount Corpus C h r i s t i (R o b sto wn),Texa s . ..... S tora g e f a c i l it y ............... $9 , 038 ,000 SEC.2610 .E XT E N S IO NO FAU T H O R I Z ATIONS OF CERTAIN FISCA LY EAR 200 4P RO J ECTS. (a)EXTENSIO N .—Notwi t hs ta nd in g s ec tion 2701 o f the M i l ita ryC onstr u ction A uthori z ation Act for F iscal Y ear 200 4 (di v ision B of P u b lic L aw 10 8– 1 36; 117 S tat. 1716) , the authorizations set forth in the table in subsection (b), as p rovided in section 2601 of that Act (117 Stat. 171 5 )ande x tended by section 2702 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (divi - sion B of Public Law 10 9 –364; 120 Stat. 2464), shall re m ain in effect until O ctober 1, 2008, or the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for fiscal year 2009, whichever is later. (b) TABL E.—The table referred to in subsection (a) is as follows

Army N ational G uar d

Extension of 200

4 Project Authorizations Installation or Location Project Amount A lbu q uerque, N ew M exico ............. Rea d iness center .................. $ 2 , 5 33,000 F ort I ndiantown G ap, P ennsyl -v ania. Multi-purpose training range. $ 1 5,338,000 TI T LEX X V II —BAS E C L O S UR EA ND REALI G N M ENT ACTIVITIES Sec. 2 7 01. Authori z ation of appropriations for base closure and realign m ent activi- ties funded through D epartment of Defense B ase Closure Account 1990. Sec. 2702. Authorized base closure and realignment activities funded through De- partment of Defense Base Closure Account 2005. Sec. 2703. Authorization of appropriations for base closure and realignment activi- ties funded through Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005. Sec. 270 4 . Authorized cost and scope of wor k variations for military construction and military family housing pro j ects related to base closures and re- alignments. Sec. 2705. Transfer of funds from Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005 to Department of Defense H ousing Funds. Sec. 270 6 . Comprehensive accounting of funding required to ensure timely imple- mentation of 2005 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission recommendations. Sec. 2707. Relocation of units from Roberts U nited States Army Reserve Center and Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Center, Baton Rouge, L ouisiana. Sec. 2708. Acquisition of real property, Fort Belvoir, V irginia, as part of the re- alignment of the installation. Sec. 2709. Report on availability of traffic infrastructure and facilities to support base realignment. SEC. 2 7 01. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR B ASE CLOSURE AN D REALI G N M ENT ACTI V ITIES FUNDED THROUGH DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE BASE CLOSURE ACCOUNT 1 9 90. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2007, for base closure and realign- ment activities, including real property ac q uisition and military