Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1049

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123STA T . 1 0 2 9PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .30 , 2009 (2)COST S .—Ther e spon s ib i l i tyf or the c osts of a nys u r v eys con d ucted under para g raph ( 1 ) , and any other ad m inistrative costs of carrying out the land e x change, shall be determined by the S ecretary and the L ando w ner. (c) CO NDI TIONS.—The conveyance of the B ureau of Land M anagement land and the R owlett parcel under this section shall be sub j ect to— (1) valid existing rights

(2) title to the Rowlett parcel being acceptable to the Sec - retary and in conformance with the title approval standards applicable to F ederal land ac q uisitions; ( 3 ) such terms and conditions as the Secretary may require; and ( 4 ) except as otherwise provided in this section, any laws (including regulations) applicable to the conveyance and acquisition of land by the Bureau of Land Management. (d) AP P RA ISA L S.— (1) I N GE NERAL.—The Bureau of Land Management land and the Rowlett parcel shall be appraised by an independent appraiser selected by the Secretary. (2) RE QU IRE M ENTS.—An appraisal conducted under para- graph (1) shall be conducted in accordance with— (A) the U niform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions; and (B) the Uniform Standards of P rofessional Appraisal Practice. (3) APPRO V AL.—The appraisals conducted under this sub- section shall be submitted to the Secretary for approval. (e) G RA Z ING ALLOTMENT.—As a condition of the land exchange authori z ed under this section, the lessee of the grazing lease for the Box R grazing allotment shall donate the Box R grazing lease in accordance with section 14 0 2(a)(1). SEC.140 4. D EE RFI E L DL AN DE X C H AN G E. (a) IN GENERAL.—For the purpose of protecting and consoli- dating Federal land within the Monument, the Secretary— (1) may offer to convey to D eerfield Learning Associates the Federal parcel in exchange for the Deerfield parcel; and (2) if Deerfield Learning Associates accepts the offer— (A) the Secretary shall convey to Deerfield Learning Associates all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the Federal parcel; and (B) Deerfield Learning Associates shall convey to the Secretary all right, title, and interest of Deerfield Learning Associates in and to the Deerfield parcel. (b) SURVE Y S.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The exact acreage and legal description of the Federal parcel and the Deerfield parcel shall be deter- mined by surveys approved by the Secretary. (2) COSTS.—The responsibility for the costs of any surveys conducted under paragraph (1), and any other administrative costs of carrying out the land exchange, shall be determined by the Secretary and Deerfield Learning Associates. (c) CONDITIONS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The conveyance of the Federal parcel and the Deerfield parcel under this section shall be subject to—