Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1514

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123STA T . 1 49 4 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 09 ‘ ‘ (i)tha t eng age sp a r ti c ipants in p ubl ic health , e m ergenc y an d disaster preparedness, and o ther public sa f ety acti v ities

‘‘(ii) that may include the recruitment of q ualified participants for, and placement of the participants in, positions to be trainees as la w enforcement officers, firefighters, search and rescue personnel, and emer - gency medical service wor k ers; and ‘‘(iii) that may engage F ederal, S tate, and local stakeholders, in collaboration, to organi z e more effec- tive responses to issues of public health, emergencies and disasters, and other public safety issues . ‘‘( C ) A program that seeks to e x pand the number of mentors for disadvantaged youths and other youths (including by recruiting high school-, and college-age individuals to enter into mentoring relationships), either through — ‘‘(i) provision of direct mentoring services; ‘‘(ii) provision of supportive services to direct men- toring service organizations (in the case of a partner- ship); ‘‘(iii) the creative utilization of current and emerging technologies to connect youth with mentors; or ‘‘(iv) supporting mentoring partnerships (including statewide and local mentoring partnerships that strengthen direct service mentoring programs) by— ‘‘( I ) increasing State resources dedicated to mentoring; ‘‘(II) supporting the creation of statewide and local mentoring partnerships and programs of national scope through collaborative efforts between entities such as local or direct service mentoring partnerships, or units of State or local government; and ‘‘(III) assisting direct service mentoring pro- grams. ‘‘( D ) A program— ‘‘(i) in which not less than 75 percent of the partici- pants are disadvantaged youth; ‘‘(ii) that may provide life skills training, employ- ment training, educational counseling, assistance to complete a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, counseling, or a mentoring relationship with an adult volunteer; and ‘‘(iii) for which, in awarding financial assistance and approved national service positions, the Corpora- tion shall give priority to programs that engage retirees to serve as mentors. ‘‘( E ) A program— ‘‘(i) that reengages court-involved youth and adults with the goal of reducing recidivism; ‘‘(ii) that may create support systems beginning in correctional facilities; and ‘‘(iii) that may have life skills training, employment training, an education program (including a program