Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1633

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123STA T . 1 6 13 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 1 9—M A Y 12 , 2 0 09 (6)TheLibra r yofC o ng re s san dt he Sm ithsonian I nstit u- tion are a p propriate repositories to c o l lect , preser v e, and ma k e available to the public a collection of these oral histories . The Library and Smithsonian have e x pertise in the management of documentation pro j ects, and experience in the development of cultural and educational programs for the public. (b) PURPOSE . — It is the purpose of this A ct to create a ne w federally sponsored, authori z ed, and funded project that will coordi- nate at a national level the collection of video and audio recordings of personal histories and testimonials of individuals who partici- pated in the American Civil R ights movement that will build upon and complement previous and ongoing documentary work on this subject, and to assist and encourage local efforts to preserve the memories of such individuals so that Americans of all current and future generations may hear from them directly and better appreciate the sacrifices they made. SEC.3 . ES TABLI S HM E N T OFJ OINT PR OJECT AT LIBRAR Y OF CON -G RESS AN D NATIONAL M U SEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HIS- TORY AND CULTURE TO COLLECT V IDEO AND AUDIO RECORDINGS OF HISTORIES OF PARTICIPANTS IN AMER- ICAN CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. (a) E S TABLI S HM E N TO F PRO J E C T.— ( 1 )IN G ENERAL.— W ithin the limits of available funds, the Librarian of Congress (hereafter referred to as the ‘ ‘Librarian ’ ’) and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution (hereafter referred to as the ‘‘Secretary)’’, acting jointly, shall establish an oral history project— (A) to survey, during the initial phase of the project, collections of audio and video recordings of the reminiscences of participants in the Civil Rights movement that are housed in archives, libraries, museums, and other educational institutions, as well as ongoing documentary work, in order to augment and complement these endeavors and avoid duplication of effort

( B ) to solicit, reproduce, and collect— (i) video and audio recordings of personal histories and testimonials of individuals who participated in the Civil Rights movement, and (ii) visual and written materials (such as letters, diaries, photographs, and ephemera) relevant to the personal histories of individuals; (C) to create a collection of the recordings and other materials obtained, and to catalog and index the collection in a manner the Librarian and the Secretary consider appropriate; and ( D ) to make the collection available for public use through the Library of Congress and the N ational M useum of African American H istory and Culture, as well as through such other methods as the Librarian and the Sec- retary consider appropriate. ( 2 ) ROLE OF D IRECTOR OF MUSEUM.—The Secretary shall carry out the Secretary’s duties under this Act through the Director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. (b) U SE OF AND CONSULTATION WITH O THER ENTITIES.—The Librarian and the Secretary may carry out the activities described 20USC8 0 s–1.