Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1735

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123STA T . 1 7 1 5PUBLIC LA W 111 – 23 —M A Y 22 , 2 0 0 9Dev e lopm e nta l T e s tan dE val u at i onandt h eDi r e c tor o fSy stems En g ineering a report on the e x tent to w hich —(A) such military department or Defense Agency has implemented , or is implementing, the plan re q uired b y paragraph ( 1 )

and ( B ) additional authorities or resources are needed to attract, develop, retain, and reward developmental test and evaluation personnel and systems engineers with appropriate levels of hands - on experience and technical expertise to meet the needs of such military department or Defense Agency . ( 3 )A S S E SS M E NTOFR E P ORTS BYDI RE C TORS OF DE V E L OP- MENT A L TEST AND EVAL U ATION AND SYSTEMS EN G INEERING.— The first annual report submitted to C ongress by the Director of Developmental Test and Evaluation and the Director of Systems Engineering under section 13 9 d(c) of title 1 0 , U nited States Code (as added by subsection (a)), shall include an assessment by the Directors of the reports submitted by the service acquisition executives to the Directors under paragraph ( 2 ). SEC.103 . P E RFO R MAN CE ASSESSMEN T SAN D ROOT CA U SE ANA LY SES FOR MA J OR DEFENSE AC Q U I SITION PRO G RAMS. (a) DESIGNATION OF SENIOR O FFICIAL R ESPONSIBILITY FOR P ERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS AND ROOT CAUSE ANALYSES.— (1) I N GENERAL.—The Secretary of Defense shall designate a senior official in the Office of the Secretary of Defense as the principal official of the Department of Defense responsible for conducting and overseeing performance assessments and root cause analyses for ma j or defense acquisition programs. (2) N O PROGRAM E X ECUTION RESPONSIBILITY.—The Sec- retary shall ensure that the senior official designated under paragraph (1) is not responsible for program execution. (3) STAFF AND RESOURCES.—The Secretary shall assign to the senior official designated under paragraph (1) appropriate staff and resources necessary to carry out official ’ s function under this section. (b) RESPONSIBILITIES.—The senior official designated under sub- section (a) shall be responsible for the following

(1) Carrying out performance assessments of major defense acquisition programs in accordance with the requirements of subsection (c) periodically or when requested by the Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and L ogistics, the Secretary of a military depart- ment, or the head of a Defense Agency. (2) Conducting root cause analyses for major defense acquisition programs in accordance with the requirements of subsection (d) when required by section 2 4 33a(a)(1) of title 10, United States Code (as added by section 20 6 (a) of this Act), or when requested by the Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Secretary of a military department, or the head of a Defense Agency. (3) Issuing policies, procedures, and guidance governing the conduct of performance assessments and root cause analyses by the military departments and the Defense Agencies. 10USC243 0 note.