Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2131

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123STA T . 2111 PUBLIC LA W 111 –80—O CT. 21 , 200 9RURALUTI LITI ESS ER V I C E RURAL W ATER A ND WASTE DIS PO SAL PRO G RA M ACCOUNT ( INCLUDING TRANS F ERS OF FUNDS )Forthec o s to fdi rect l o an s , loan gu arantees, and grants for the rural w ater, waste water, waste dis p osal, and solid waste m anagement programs authori z ed by sections 306 , 306 A , 306 C , 306 D , 306 E , and3 1 0 B and described in sections 306C ( a ) ( 2 ), 306D, 306E, and 3 8 1E(d)(2) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural De v elop - ment Act, $5 68, 7 30,000, to remain available until e x pended, of which not to exceed $ 49 7,000 shall be available for the rural utilities program described in section 306(a)(2)(B) of such Act, and of which not to exceed $993,000 shall be available for the rural utilities program described in section 306E of such Act


d, T hat $70,000,000 of the amount appropriated under this heading shall be for loans and grants including water and waste disposal systems grants authorized by 306C(a)(2)(B) and 306D of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, Federally-recognized N ative American Tribes authorized by 306C(a)(1), and the Department of H awaiian Home L ands (of the State of Hawaii): Provided fu r th er, That not less than $65,000,000 of the unobligated balances available for grants authorized by 306D of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act shall be obligated within 90 days of the enactment of this Act: Provided further, That not to exceed $19,500,000 of the amount appropriated under this heading shall be for technical assistance grants for rural water and waste systems pursuant to section 306(a)(14) of such Act, unless the Secretary ma k es a deter- mination of extreme need, of which $6,000,000 shall be made avail- able for a grant to a q ualified non-profit multi-state regional tech- nical assistance organization, with experience in working with small communities on water and waste water problems, the principal purpose of such grant shall be to assist rural communities with populations of 3,300 or less, in improving the planning, financing, development, operation, and management of water and waste water systems, and of which not less than $800,000 shall be for a qualified national Native American organization to provide technical assist- ance for rural water systems for tribal communities: Provided fur - ther, That not to exceed $15,000,000 of the amount appropriated under this heading shall be for contracting with qualified national organizations for a circuit rider program to provide technical assist- ance for rural water systems: Provided further , That of the amount appropriated under this heading, the amount equal to the amount of Rural W ater and Waste Disposal P rogram Account funds allo- cated by the Secretary for Rural Economic Area Partnership Z ones for the fiscal year 2009, shall be available through J une 30, 2010, for communities designated by the Secretary of Agriculture as Rural Economic Area Partnership Zones for the rural utilities programs described in section 381E(d)(2) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act: Provided further, That $17,500,000 of the amount appropriated under this heading shall be transferred to, and merged with, the Rural Utilities Service, High Energy Cost G rants Account to provide grants authorized under section 19 of the Rural Elec- trification Act of 1936 (7 U . S.C. 918a): Provided further, That any prior year balances for high cost energy grants authorized by section 19 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 918a) shall Contrac t s.G rants. De a dli ne.