Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2316

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123STA T . 22 96PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 (C)prio ri tyf or a tt end an c etoc h i l dren of m em b er s of the A rmed F orces ass u min g the school district accepts transfer students

( D ) the ability of students to continue their course placement , including but not limited to H onors, I nter - national B accalaureate, Ad v anced P lacement, vocational, technical, and career path w ays courses; ( E ) the recalculation of grades to consider the weights offered by a receiving school for the same performance in the same course when a student transfers from one grading system to another system (for e x ample, number- based system to letter-based system); (F) the waiver of specific courses re q uired for gradua- tion if similar course wor k has been satisfactorily completed in another local education agency or the provision of an alternative means of acquiring required coursework so that graduation may occur on time; and ( G ) the recognition of an appointed guardian as a custo- dial parent while the child ’ s parent or parents are deployed; and ( 4 ) express strong support for S tates to develop a State Council to provide for the coordination among their agencies of government, local education agencies, and military installa- tions concerning the participation of a State in the Interstate Compact on Educational O pportunity for M ilitary Children .Subti t leE—M i s si ngorD e c e a se dP ersons SEC.541 . AD D IT I ON A LR E QU IRE M ENTS F OR ACCOUNTIN G FOR MEM -B ERSOFT H E ARMED FORCES AND DE P ARTMENT OF DEFENSE CI V ILIAN EMPLO Y EES LISTED AS MISSING IN CONFLICTS OCCURRING BEFORE ENACTMENT OF NE W SYSTEM FOR ACCOUNTING FOR MISSING PERSONS. (a) I MPOSIT IO N O F A D DITION ALREQU I R EMENTS. — Section 1509 of title 10, U nited States Code, is amended to read as follows

‘ §1509.Prog r amt or es o lv e p ree n a c tment m i ssing person cases ‘ ‘(a) PRO G RAM REQUIRED; CO V ERED CONFLI C TS.— T he Secretary of Defense shall implement a comprehensive, coordinated, integrated, and fully resourced program to account for persons described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 151 3 (1) of this title who are unaccounted for from the following conflicts: ‘‘(1) W orld War II during the period beginning on December 7 , 1941, and ending on December 31, 194 6 , including members of the armed forces who were lost during flight operations in the Pacific theater of operations covered by section 576 of the N ational Defense Authori z ation Act for Fiscal Y ear 2 000 (Public L aw 106 – 65; 10 U.S.C. 1501 note). ‘‘(2) The Cold War during the period beginning on Sep- tember 2, 1945, and ending on August 21, 1991. ‘‘(3) The K orean War during the period beginning on J une 27, 1950, and ending on January 31, 1955. ‘‘(4) The Indochina War era during the period beginning on July 8 , 1959, and ending on May 15, 1975.