Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3095

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123STA T . 3 075PUBLIC LA W 111 – 117 —DE C.1 6, 200 9shal l be a v a i lable fort he p erso n nel c o m pensation an d benefits of the O ffice of A dministration

nottoe x ceed $9,623 , 0 00 shall be available for the personnel compensation and benefits of the Office of D epartmental Operations and C oordination; not to exceed $ 51 ,2 7 5,000 shall be available for the personnel compensation and benefits of the Office of F ield P olic y and M ana g ement; not to exceed $1 4 ,649,000 shall be available for the personnel compensation and benefits of the Office of the Chief Proc u rement Officer; not to exceed $35,197,000 shall be available for the personnel compensa - tion and benefits of the remaining staff in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer; not to exceed $ 8 9,062,000 shall be available for the personnel compensation and benefits of the remaining staff in the Office of the G eneral Counsel; not to exceed $3,296,000 shall be available for the personnel compensation and benefits of the Office of Departmental Eq ual Employment Opportunity; not to exceed $1,393,000 shall be available for the personnel compensa- tion and benefits for the Center for Faith- B ased and Community I nitiatives; not to exceed $2,400,000 shall be available for the per- sonnel compensation and benefits for the Office of S ustainability; not to exceed $3,288,000 shall be available for the personnel com- pensation and benefits for the Office of Strategic Planning and Management; and not to exceed $249,870,000 shall be available for non-personnel expenses of the Department of H ousing and U rban Development


d, T hat, funds provided under this heading may be used for necessary administrative and non-adminis- trative expenses of the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment, not other w ise provided for, including purchase of uniforms, or allowances therefor, as authori z edby5U . S.C. 5901 – 5902; hire of passenger motor vehicles; services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109: Provided fu r th er, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated under this heading may be used for advertising and promotional activities that support the housing mission area: Provided further, That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to transfer funds appropriated for any office included in Administration, Operations and Manage- ment to any other office included in Administration, Operations and Management only after such transfer has been submitted to, and received prior written approval by, the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations: Provided further, That no appropria- tion for any office shall be increased or decreased by more than 10 percent by all such transfers. P ERSON NE L CO MP ENS ATI ON AN D BENE F ITS P UB LI C AND INDIAN H OUSIN G For necessary personnel compensation and benefits expenses of the Office of Public and Indian Housing, $197,074,000. COMMUNIT Y PLANNING AND DE V ELOPMENT For necessary personnel compensation and benefits expenses of the Office of Community Planning and Development mission area, $98,989,000. Transfe r a utho r i t y.