Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/329

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123STA T . 3 09PUBLIC LA W 111 –5—FE B.1 7, 2009 Sec.1853 . V e rif ic at i on ofe l i g i b ilit y for p rogra m benefit s . Sec. 185 4 . C ollection of d ata and reports

information to w or k ers. Sec. 1855. F ra u d and reco v ery of overpayments. Sec. 185 6 . Sense of Congress on application of trade ad j ustment assistance. Sec. 185 7 . Consultations in promulgation of regulations. Sec. 1858. T ec h nical corrections. PAR T I I — T RADE AD JUSTM E N T ASS I STAN C E FO R FIRMS Sec. 1861. Ex pansion to service sector firms. Sec. 186 2 . M odification of re q uirements for certification. Sec. 1863. B asis for determinations. Sec. 1864. O versight and administration; authori z ation of appropriations. Sec. 1865. Increased penalties for false statements. Sec. 1866. Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms. Sec. 1867. Technical corrections. PART III—TRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE FOR COMMUNITIES Sec. 1871. Purpose. Sec. 1872. Trade adjustment assistance for communities. Sec. 1873. Conforming amendments. PART IV—TRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE FOR FARMERS Sec. 1881. D efinitions. Sec. 1882. Eligibility. Sec. 1883. Benefits. Sec. 1884. Report. Sec. 1885. Fraud and recovery of overpayments. Sec. 1886. Determination of increases of imports for certain fishermen. Sec. 1887. Extension of trade adjustment assistance for farmers. PART V— G ENERA L PRO V ISIONS Sec. 18 9 1. Effective date. Sec. 1892. Extension of trade adjustment assistance programs. Sec. 1893. Termination; related provisions. Sec. 1894. Government Accountability Office report. Sec. 1895. Emergency designation. PART VI— H EALT H COVERA G EIM P ROVEMENT Sec. 1899. Short title. Sec. 1899A. Improvement of the affordability of the credit. Sec. 1899B. Payment for monthly premiums paid prior to commencement of ad - vance payments of credit. Sec. 1899C. TAA recipients not enrolled in training programs eligible for credit. Sec. 1899D. TAA pre-certification period rule for purposes of determining whether there is a 63-day lapse in creditable coverage. Sec. 1899E. Continued qualification of family members after certain events. Sec. 1899F. Extension of COBRA benefits for certain TAA-eligible individuals and PBGC recipients. Sec. 1899G. Addition of coverage through voluntary employees ’ beneficiary associa- tions. Sec. 1899H. N otice requirements. Sec. 1899I. Survey and report on enhanced health coverage tax credit program. Sec. 1899 J . Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 1899 K . Extension of national emergency grants. Sec. 1899 L . GAO study and report. Subti t leA—TaxR elie f f orInd i v idual s and F a m ilies PARTI—GEN ERA L TA X RELIE FSEC.10 01. MAKINGWOR K P A Y CRE D I T . (a)INGE NE RAL.—Subp a rtCof part I V of s ub ch apt e r A of chapter 1i sa m e nd edb y insertin g after section 36 the fo l lo w ing new section

‘SEC. 36 A. MAKING WORK PAY CREDIT. ‘ ‘(a) ALL OW AN C EO F CRE DIT .—In the case of an eligible indi -v idual , there shall be allowed as a credit against the ta x imposed