Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3456

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123STA T . 3 4 3 6PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 8—DE C.1 9, 2 0 09 SEC.803 3. Duringthec urrent f i s c aly ear , a p pr o priations w hich are a v aila b le to the Depart m ent of Defense for operation an d maintenance may be used to purchase items having an investment item unit cost of not more than $25 0,000. SEC. 803 4 . ( a ) During the current fiscal year, none of the appropriations or funds available to the Department of Defense W or k ing C apital F unds shall be used for the purchase of an invest - ment item for the purpose of ac q uiring a new inventory item for sale or anticipated sale during the current fiscal year or a subse- quent fiscal year to customers of the Department of Defense Working Capital Funds if such an item would not have been charge- able to the Department of Defense B usiness O perations Fund during fiscal year 19 94 and if the purchase of such an investment item would be chargeable during the current fiscal year to appropriations made to the Department of Defense for procurement. (b) T he fiscal year 2011 budget request for the Department of Defense as well as all j ustification material and other documenta- tion supporting the fiscal year 2011 Department of Defense budget shall be prepared and submitted to the Congress on the basis that any equipment which was classified as an end item and funded in a procurement appropriation contained in this A ct shall be budg- eted for in a proposed fiscal year 2011 procurement appropriation and not in the supply management business area or any other area or category of the Department of Defense Working Capital Funds. SEC. 8035. N one of the funds appropriated by this Act for programs of the Central I ntelligence Agency shall remain available for obligation beyond the current fiscal year, e x cept for funds appro- priated for the R eserve for Contingencies, which shall remain avail- able until September 30, 2011


d, That funds appropriated, transferred, or otherwise credited to the Central Intelligence Agency Central Services Working Capital Fund during this or any prior or subsequent fiscal year shall remain available until expended: Provided fu r th er, That any funds appropriated or transferred to the Central Intelligence Agency for advanced research and develop- ment acquisition, for agent operations, and for covert action pro- grams authori z ed by the P resident under section 503 of the National Security Act of 194 7 , as amended, shall remain available until September 30, 2011. SEC. 803 6 . Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds made available in this Act for the Defense Intelligence Agency may be used for the design, development, and deployment of G en- eral Defense Intelligence Program intelligence communications and intelligence information systems for the Services, the U nified and Specified Commands, and the component commands. SEC. 8037. Of the funds appropriated to the Department of Defense under the heading ‘ ‘Operation and M aintenance, Defense- Wide ’ ’, not less than $12,000,000 shall be made available only for the mitigation of environmental impacts, including training and technical assistance to tribes, related administrative support, the gathering of information, documenting of environmental dam- age, and developing a system for prioritization of mitigation and cost to complete estimates for mitigation, on Indian lands resulting from Department of Defense activities. SEC. 8038. (a) None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be expended by an entity of the Department of Defense unless the entity, in expending the funds, complies with the Buy American 50USC4 0 3unote.B u dg et r e q ue s t.