Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/812

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123STA T .79 2 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 09 $10 0 , 000,000 .Inad d it i o n, f o r ad m ini s trati ve e xp enses to c arr y o u t t h e H istorica l ly B lac kC olle g e and U niversity Capital F inancing P rogram entered into pursuant to part D of title III of the H EA , $ 354 ,000. I NSTI T U T EOF E D U CA TION S CIENCES For carrying out activities authori z ed b y the Education Sciences R eform Act of 2 002, the N ational Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act, section 20 8 of the Educational T echnical Assistance Act of 2002, and section 6 64 of the Individuals w ith Disabilities Education Act, $61 7 ,175,000, of which $312,241,000 shall be available until September 30, 2010


d, That funds available to carry out section 208 of the Educational Technical Assistance Act may be used for Statewide data systems that include postsecondary and workforce information: Provided fu r th er, That up to $5,000,000 of the funds available to carry out section 208 of the Educational Technical Assistance Act may be used for State data coordinators and for awards to public or private organizations or agencies to improve data coordination. DE P A R T M ENTA LM ANA G EMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION For carrying out, to the extent not otherwise provided, the Department of Education O rganization Act, including rental of con - ference rooms in the District of Columbia and hire of three pas- senger motor vehicles, $433,482,000, of which $5,400,000, to remain available until expended, shall be for relocation of, and renovation of buildings occupied by, Department staff. OFFICE FOR CI V IL RIG H TS For expenses necessary for the Office for Civil Rights, as author- ized by section 203 of the Department of Education Organization Act, $ 9 6,826,000. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL For expenses necessary for the Office of the Inspector G eneral, as authorized by section 212 of the Department of Education Organization Act, $54,539,000. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 301. No funds appropriated in this Act may be used for the transportation of students or teachers ( or for the purchase ofe q uipment for such transportation ) in order to overcome racial imbalance in any school or school system, or for the transportation of students or teachers (or for the purchase of equipment for such transportation) in order to carry out a plan of racial desegregation of any school or school system. SEC. 302. None of the funds contained in this Act shall be used to require, directly or indirectly, the transportation of any student to a school other than the school which is nearest the student ’ s home, except for a student requiring special education, to the school offering such special education, in order to comply with title V I of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. For the purpose Raci a ldes e gr ega t i on.