Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/863

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INDEX. 833 Attorney- General, (continued.) Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, (conto ascertain what proceedings should tinucd.) be token for the security of the termini of road tobcngrccd u on with the United States in respect to the smne 4-97 cities of Witsliixxgton und (ilcorgetown. 250 to report to Congress in Deceniber, powers und privileges ol' the corporation 250 1867 .. 497 act of Congress relating to luterul rouds to decide who nre the persons entitled to to apply to this 250 uppropriutions to tie Minmies, mode extension to- he commenced in one yeur under treaty 515 and completed in two ... 250 title to lower part of City Hull 1*urk in Baltimore and I oiomuc R. R. C0. New York to be approved by, before may extend lateral railroad into the Dispurehnse ... 564 trict of Columbia ... . . . . 387 Attorneys, powers, privileges, und restrictions. . 387 to tnke testimony in court of claims . 194 rights und immunities . 387 Auctioneers, one lateral rend only to be constructed . . 387 definition of} and special tax on ,... . 119 before locating rend upon, or using mattecertain persons making certain auction riuls from, lnnds of unother, assent of soles not to pay n. mx ... 119 owner to be obtuined ... 387 Auction Sales, proceedings, where owner is absent or nnprovision as to taxes on . 119, 133,134 der disability ... 387, 388 Auditors of the Trea.·mr_y Department, or where terms cannot be agreed appropriations for the otllces of tho. .105, 106, upon .. . .. . 388 444-446 warrant, jury, notice .. 388 Auditor of Treasury for Post-Office [)epm·tmant, estimating nnd ynluing of dumnges. . 388 transfer of clerks from class three to class in crossing, Src. streets or wuys, railroad four in office of the . 394 to be so constructed as not to impede appropriation for increased expense. 394 truvcl, &c. thereon .. 388 appropriation for the office of the. . .195,196, wagon wnys across railroad 388 445,446 lots. &e. owned by the United Stamp in Auditor, Sisrth, Wttsliington not to be entered upon or appropriation for office of the 105, 373 used .. 388 “Au_qusla," The Gunbout, roud to enter Wusliingtoii und pass where, oilieers of the, mu accept presents from &e . . ... . .. 388 the Emperor of itussiu .. 646 level und grade of ,... 388 presents may be admitted free of rates for tolls und transportation of duty . . . . .. 646 freiglit . 388, 389 Avenues, of passenger fures 889 appropriation for cure, repairs, and light- mud to e commenced in two years und ing .. . . 462, 464 completed in four ... : .. 389 mlty mnko speciul contruvt for carrying tie mail, und transporting persons or B property for the United States ... 389 ° Congress may grunt to other corporations Babbitt, A/mon W., privileges like those grantcd hereby. . . 389 administrators and securities 0t§ released may authorize additional rnilronds er 'from liability for money udvunced to. ..581 roads . 389 Bark Pay, may prescribe rules ns to speed of of colored soldiers end sellers when to be cars, &e. and the security of perpnid to widows and children .. 58 sons and property .. 380 Bahamas. The no privilege granted hereby beyond the uct to encourage telegrophic communi- 1)istrict of Columbian ... . 389 cutiou with . ... 44 act may be repealed, altered, &c . 389 Bail, Banking Qzpiral, under Stute process to continue in full tux on, beyond tho uvemgo amount inforce upon and after removul of suit vested in United States bonds 136 from State court to circuit court. .385, 559 how assessed upon bunks withbrnnchexorbiumt, not to be required in the Dis- cs 186 trict of Columbia. .. 402 Bankruptcy, Bailyfir, oct to establish unifomi system of§ throughef the com-ts in the District of Columbia, out the United Suites ... 517 pity of . . _. .. 408 the filing of the petition to be deemed nn Bakeman, Daniel Frederick, act of . 521 ension to .. . . . . . 621 district courts mmle courts of bunkruptcy 517 Baldiizin, Robert, jurisdiction 0f. . ... 517, 518 patents for lends in Missouri, to issue to, to be always open lor business under upon surrender, &c . 606 this not ... 517 Baltimore, authority of judge and court in term psy of nppruisers, general and local, dep- time or vacation 517, 518 uty collectors, npvul oiliecrs and sur- may compel obedience to decrees, ns veyors, and custom-house wcighers, et, circuit courts do in suits in equity 518 established . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 muy sit in any place in. the district. . 518 Baltimore and Ohio likzilroad Company, circuit eourts to have general superintendmuy extend its railroad into the District ence and jurisdiction of eases under of' Columbia ... 250 this act 518 vox,. xiv. 53