Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/965

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INDEX. 936 President of the United States, (continued.) President of the United States, (continued.) to forward copy of resolution to the Em- to appoint registers and receivers in the pei-or of Russia . . ... 355 land districts of Arizona and Montamuy nominate fifty cadets at large for the ne 542, 543 miiitary academy . . . , .. 360 duty under the act ranting lands to Calmay appoint Lieutenant-Commander Law iiornia, to aid ln gte construction of the to the active list of the navy. . 361 Stockton and Copperepolis Railroad to appoint professional and scientific com- C0 . . .. 548 missioners to attend the Universal Ex- mviy ypoint Licurenant·(7ommunder S. hihirion at Paris. ... 363 . reese to tho uetive list of the navy 567 to place at the dis(posn1oi'the city author- to forward to Emperor of Brazil cop of ities et'1’ortlun certain clothing, camp resolutions of acknowledgment by (goneqnipage .. 364 gross of the resolutions of sympathy of procure and deliver gold medals in ae- the Chambers of Senators and Deputies knowlcilgment of the saving of the of Brazil on the death of President Linpassengers, onieers, und men of the ooln . .. 572, 578 wrecked steamship San Francisco 365 to cause a gold medal to be struck and may appoint two commissioners to ex- forwarded to Cyrus W. Field, with euumine the claims 0i' Massaehusetts. . . . 367 grossed copy of resolution giving him to .i prove of grant of right. of way to the the thanks of Congress .. 574 Uiiiion Pneifie Ruilroarl Company. . . . 367 Presidential Mansion, certain proclumstions oi; and acts done in survey of land for u park and site for . . . 461 pursuance thereof, or ofhis orders, made Presidente llauss, valid and conclusive ... . 432 appropriation for refurnishing und repairno eourtof the United States to have mg .. . 2 or mkc jurisdiction, Kao. t 433 Isxplropriuiions for ..17 -19, 25, 313, 325, 444 all officers and others, held prima Pres` t’a lllesuye, facie to have been authorized . 483 . regulations as to printing papers relating authority oil to (proclaim pardon aiu1am- to foreign uiiuirs accompanying the ncsty, repenle . 377 annual . ... 305 may require freight lor the United States Prince Edward Islun¢L to be transported over the railway of pu ofeonsul at, established ... 225 the Washington County Horse 1€ail· Printedyrllauer road Co. .. 381 te he carried without extra charge on may establish pension agencies and up- railroads conveying the mails 50 point pension agents ... . 391 Printing. See Congressional l·’rt'nter, Public to announce by proclamation, that the Printing. State of Nebraska has assentcd to the for commissioners to revise the statutes of fundamental condition of its admission the United States, to be done at the into the Union. ., .., 392 government printing·0iiice ... 456 to appoint u board of officers in reference for the exeeurivo departments, to be done to the acceptance of the gift of League by government printer when pructieuble 467 Islnnd, Ste. irom the city of Pliiladul- when not, to cdono at such chico us phin .. 396 the clerk of the House of Repreto nominate and appoint Lieutenant Jo- sentatives muy designate 467 suph 1’.·Fyt1e to the active iist of the _ rams of pay to be the current rates. . 467 _ navy ... . . 408 Printing of Public Documents. Sue Public to appointcolleutors of the customs in the Documents. collection districts of North Carolina.. 411 act to regulate further the . 305 to commission cliuplains and post chap~ Priority. Sue Bunkruptqy. loins in the army ... 423 of debts in distributions oil bankrupt's esduty of, under the not to provide for the tate ... . .. . ... 529 more efliuient government of the rebel · in dividends certain claims to have .. 531 States . 428, 429 order of priority. . . . .. 531 powers oi', as to removals, appointments, certain fees to have priority in payment. . 540 &e. under the act regulating the tenure Prisoners, of certain civil otncers 430, 431 appropriations for expenses of safe keepto appoint it commissioner of education. . 434 mg of , . 1 ... Z. . , ... 108, 449 to issue all orders relating- to military op- in the yul in the District of Columbus, erations through the general of the ur- Supreme Court of District to_meke my, Sw . . .. .486, 487 rules for the government., discipline, to appoint civil. engineers and naval store- l and protertion of. ._ . . . . . 407 keepers when required at the navy- Prisnnsjbr American Contacts, varnls . 490 in Japan, China, Siem, and Turkey, duiy oil as to expenditures of appropria- _ rent of. . A .. 225, 414 tions for various Indiun tribes 492-515 Pnvate Claims, _ _ _ to appoint Indian 8I1I)~||g‘0|lCl·l wltcrc `Snl— index to Senate list of, appropriation to aries are over $1,000 a. year ... . . 515 continue .: . . . . 327 to eommission sub-Indian agents tsmporu- Private Land Clazms,_ _ _ rily np oimeil .. 515 not for final adjustment ei} m Florida, may eonfiir brevet rank on army officers Louisiana, und Missouri, extended for for gallant, &c. services, while in the throcgyrars ... I . ... 544 volunteer service .. . 517 Private Lam Claims in California, to appoint surveyor-general for Montana 542 appropriations for, &c. 205