Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/281

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. RES. 15, 16, 17, 18. 1868. 249 Treasury, to revoke the order appointing a receiver for the Farmers’ and F¤¤¤°”` $*9- Citizens’ Bank of Williamsburg, New York, and restore the said bank Efgfgbigvhw y and the management thereof to the directors, for the purpose of enabling York, revdkod. , the association to continue the business of banking: Provided, That said Pr<>vi¤<>·

 banking association shall first. present to the comptroller satisfactory

¥ assurances that the public interest will be promoted thereby, and shall ” secure, in such manner as the comptroller shall direct, the full payment · of all the creditors of the association, and shall restore the capital stock to its original amount in ease the capital has been impaired by losses. Approved, March 2, 1868. [No. 16,] A Resolution aud/zcrizing the Lighthouse Board to ggace Wamz'ngs aver Ob- MKYGY1 2, }868· structaons at the Entrance of Har ars, or m the Fairway of ya and Sounds, and for other Purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the lighthouse board be, and they Lighthouse are hereby, authorized, when, in their judgment, it is deemed necessary, to btgml mW Pl°°° place a. light-vessel, or other suitable warning of danger, on or over any g,,?;u’:§?0T,;7§,,_ wreck or temporary obstruction to the entrance of any harbor, or in the channel or fairway of any bay or sound. Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of War is hereby Commmmw directed to appoint a board of competent engineers, to consist of not less examine wreck than three persons, to examine the condition of the wreck of the steamer of ’;1°““(;°" Scotland, now in the waters of the harbor of the city of New York, and vii 2,,: p_ M4 ascertain whether the same is dangerous to navigation, and to report Am, p-1- thereon at as early a day as practicable, with a particular estimate of the cost of the removal of said wreck. Approved, March 2, 1868. [No. 11.] A Resolution relating to the Survey of the Northern and Northwestern Luke:. Much 2, 1g6s_ Resolved Ia] the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second section of an act Limitation of entitled "An act making appropriations for the construction, preservation, ?XP°¤di¤"° of and repairs of certain fortifications and other works of defence for the ,;m?;,:`£g;°Q fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight," ap- apply to survey proved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, shall not apply ;’akg;"`*h"“» &°· to the appropriation for the survey of northern and northwestern lakes. 1667,.ch. 171,92. Apprtoven, March 2, 1868. V0}- xiv- P- 48*- . . A Resolution mvidi vrthe Representation o the United ates at the In- March 12, 1868. lN0 18 1 ternatiogal Marigtigine Exhibition, to be heldoat Havre. St _";""" Resolved by the Senate and House nf Represmtatives of the United States qfAmer·ica in Congress a.ssemble¢L That the Secretary of the Navy be St'}? Unit? authorized to detail one or more officers of the navy, as he shall think regrggerfg ag best, to be present at the International Maritime Exhibition, to be held at the international Havre, under the auspices of the French government, from the first of g{;‘3;‘;’t°,¥sv*; June to thirty-first of October of the present year, there to represent the by mv). ,,$m·,,_ United States, and otherwise to promote the interests of exhibitors from our country: Provided, That no expenditure shall accrue therefrom to Proviso. the treasury, or to any public fund, nor shall any mileage or other expenses, or any additional compensation be paid to such persons as may be designated under authority of this resolution, nor shall any national or public vessel be employed to convey the officers so detailed to or from the place of such exhibition. Approved, March 12, 1868.