Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/410

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378 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 133, 138, 143. 1868. tained shall operate to the prejudice of any claim which may be set up to said land by reason of any previous sale thereof'; nor shall this act in any way prejudice any claimant under the said John Underwood, or any person deriving title or claim thereto under said Underwood, his heirs or Advmorigbfs assigns, or of any person or persons who may be entitled to pre-emptiou °°t “m’°°°d’ rights under any existing laws of the United States. Ammovzb, July 4, 1868. July 7, 1868. CHAP. CXXXVIII. -·An Aezjbr the Reliqfqf William B. Todd. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ¤¢r¤=~i¤¤¤<>¤¤y Sums of America, in Congress assembled, That there be refunded to £l{$if§g`:,*d§fi William B. Todd, of the city of Washington, out of any money in the Todd. treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three hundred and nineteen dollars, it being for so much money paid by the said William B. Todd to the 'United States, on the twenty-seventh of Juno, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, for certain land in the city of Wasliirigton, being the south half of lot number fifteen, in square number six hundred and thirty-six, which had been before sold and the United States paid therefor. APPROVED, July 7, 1868. July 13, 1868. CHAP. CXLIII.—An Act to provide far certain Claims against the Department of """';_" Agriculture. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mzited [fnyment of Stains of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting S:;";;; oiliuom of thu treasury be authorized to audit tho claims included in the of Ag,.£,u;m,°_ schedule following, to wit: W. L. Ellison, one dollar and filly cents ; C. C. Anderson, seven dollars and fifty cents; M. W. Beverage, one hundred and filly dollars; W. O. Berry, six dollars and forty-seven cents; J. II. Bourne, thirty-five dollars; John Bell, twenty-two dollars; C. J. Brower, eighty-five dollars; E. Baker, seven dollars: T. L. Boggcss, four dollars and fifty cunts; J. A. Blake, four dollars; Baltimore Journal of Commerce and Price Current, fifteen dollars; Georgu Brown. one dollar and thirteen cents ; L. C. Campbell, two hundred and fifty dollars and sixty-nine or-nts; G. B. Carrow, eighty-nvc dollars; Cruit and Campbell, twenty dollars; Carter, Yates, and Wiswell. sixty-three dollars and twenty-five cunts; F. W. Christorn, two dollars; 11. L. Chapin, six dollars and fifty cents; Craigcn and Clever, five dollars ; Collins, Alderson, and Company, eleven thousand seven hundred and thirty-throc dollars and Olevvn cents ; Willimn B. Dana, five dollars ; R. P. Eaton and Company, ont: dollar and fifty cents; Espey and Burdoti", sixty-two dollars; Samurai S. Foss, two dollars; Fisher and SchacI¥'er, ten dollars and ninety cents; Nathaniel B. Fugitt, three hundred and sixty-four dollars and forty-one cents ; Fowler and Company, one hundred and lilly-1ln·ce dollars and twenty-nine conls; Z. D. Gilman, twenty-two dollars; WVilliam llacker, six thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine dollars and hrty cents; llovoy and Company, eighty-three cents; International Exchange, (J. Mudio, agent.,) two dollars; Irving and Willey, three hundred and ninoty-sov<:n dollars and thirty-five vunls; Journal of C0m· m¢n·c¢—, seventeen dollars; A. J. Joivo and Company, fin·ty-viglit dollars and thirtvon coms; Aug. Jordan, twenty-five dollars; J. Knox, iiltcen dollars and fifty cvnts; J. M. Kucstor, two dollars; J. F. Lnhme and Company, three hundred and ninety-one dollars and Hvo cents; Linton and Company, forty-five dollars; A. M. Lawm, six dollars in gold; D. T. Moore, tlnroo dollars; Pascal Morris, thirtcen thousand two hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty-six conts; J. lllarkritcr, ten dollars; W. B. Moses, thrro hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-five cents; Myers and McGhan, twenty Eve dollars and twenty-tive cents; J. W`.