Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/506

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474 CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Fm:. 8, 1867. Aacrronn I. Anrrcnno 1°. Peace aud It is the intention of the high Quieren las altas partes contraf¤‘l°¤d¤h*P· contracting parties that there shall tantes que continue habiendc pag continue to be a firm, inviolable, and firme, inviolable y universal, y amiuniversal peace, and a true and sin- stad verdadera y sincera entre las eere friendship between the Repub- Republicas Dominicana y los Estalie of the United States of America dos Unidos de América, y entre sus and the Dominican Republic, and respectivos paises, territories, ciubetween their respective countries, dades, villas y poblaciones, sin esterritories, cities, towns, and peo- cepcion de personas ni lugares. Si ple, without exception of persons or desgraeiadamente ambas naciones Prcvisicnin places. If unfortunately, the two se vieren envueltas en guerra una °““° °f W""' nations should become involved in contra otra, se eoncedera el términc war, one with the other, the term de seis meses despues de la declaraof six months after the declaration cion de ella é. los comerciantes y thereof shall be allowed to the mer- otros ciudadanos y habitantes rechants and other citizens and inhab- spectivamente por cada parte, para itants respectively, on each side, que en ese tiempo tengan libertad during which time they shall be at de retirarse con sus cfectos y mucliberty to withdraw themselves, bles que tendran derccho de llewith their eifects and movables, varse, enviar fuerao render como les which they shall have the right to plazca, sin el menor impcdimento; carry away, send away, or sell, as durante dichotérmino de seis meses they please, without the least ob- no seran cogidos sus cfectosymucho struction; nor shall their effects, menos sus personas; por el contramuch less their persons, be seized rio, los pasaportes que se les dieren, during such term of six months; seran validos durante el tiempo ne- P””l’°"l" on the contrary, passports shall cesario a. su vuelta, y comprenderan be valid for a term necessary for sus buques y los efeetos que dcseen their return, and shall be given to llevar consigo 6 cnviarfuera,sirvi6n— them for their vessels and the ef- dolcs de salvo conducto contra los fects which they may wish to carry insultos y captures que los buques with them or send away, and such privados de guerra intenten contra passports shall be a safe·conduct sus personas y efeetos ; y no se conagainst the insults and captures liscaran, ni seeuestraran el dinero, which privateers may attempt las deudas,las acciones delos fondcs against their persons and effects, publicos, 6 de los bancos, ni ninguandthe money, debts, shares in the nos otros bienes muebles 6 raices public funds, or in banks, or any que pertenezcana los ciudadanos de other' property, personal or real, he- una parte en los territories de la longing to the citizens of the one otra. party in the territories of the other, shall not be confiscated or sequestrated. Anrrcns II. Anricuno 2°. "£cs}r)nptt1ep_ The citizenslof each of the high Los ciudadanos de cada una de las wrymmtfuy contracting parties, residing or estab- altas partes contratantcs residentes service romeo lished in the territory of the other, 6 establecidos cn el territorio de lu. l°¤¤¤» &°· shall be exempt from all compulsory otra, estaran exentos de todo servimilitary serviee by sea or by land, cio militar forzado, de maro de tierand from all forced loans or military ra, y de todo prestamo forzoso 6exexactions or requisitions; nor shall acciones 6 requisieiones militares; they be compelled to pay any con- ni seran compelidos at pagar contritributions whatever, higher or other buciones cualesquiera mayores ti than those that are or may be paid otras que las que pagan 6 pagaren by native citizens. los ciudadanos naturales.