Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/554

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522 TREATY WITH THE MIAMIES. FEBRUARY 23, 1867. l’**>‘¤*¤¤¥*=¤¤d Amxcnn XXXIV. In order that those who desire to remove may 3E;'f}Q$:?6;? make preparations for the purpose, the sum of thirteen th0u<and dollars of' the amount due the Miamies under article third of the treaty of one Vol. x. p. 1094. thousand eight, hundred and fifty-four, shall be paid to them, per capita, within thirty days, and the additional sum of ten thousand dollars in ninety days after the ratification of this treaty; and upon the return of Smcken out. the register showing the names and number of those respectively who P°“»P·527· intend to retain their tribal condition and of those who will become eitizens, an account shall be made of the amount due by the government to the tribe, and the share belonging to that portion who desire to become citizens shall be reserved to be paid to the parties entitled thereto; and, in mekinrr such account, their mill and blacksmith and other annuities shall be reduced to their actual cash present value; and after the reservation of the amount for those who become citizens, there shall be taken from the remaining moneys the amount necessary to pay For the share in the land purclmsed of the Pe<>rlus,&c., and the amount necessary to be capitnlized as a permanent fund to make them equal in annuities to the Peorms, &c., and the balance, together with the share of the removing party derived from the sale of their lands, as fast as the same is received, shall be invested in seven-thirty United States bonds, maturing or convertible at the earliest date, and the interest upon the same shall be collected and paid to the Miamics, per capita, semi—a.nnually at their new homes; and the share of the citizen Miamies in the proceeds of the lands shall be paid to the heath of families for their families, or to single persons, as the case may be, annually, until all the lands are sold. wiehoglctnagtton ARTICLE XXXV. The school section upon the lliiznni reserve, now to, Sw? ummproved, slmll be patented in lfeerstmple to the chiefs, [`homas Metcsonyah and Big Leg, upon such division thereof as they may agree upon between themselves, upon notification of the said division to the Secretary

 t of the Interior through the agent: Provided, That the portion of said

},0s:~ 15**5;};.- school section, not exceeding four aeres, heretofore used as a burial- ’ ground, shall be perpetually reserved for such purpose. Cl»tim¤ for Aitrrcnn XXXVI. An investigation shall be made by the Secretary ‘l**§m?:én out of the Interior into all claims presented on account of darniige= committed PM p_ M7_by whites upon the lands of the Indians and for losses of stock und other property, and a }:·eH<>rt shall be made thereon to Congress, recommending such action as s n appear just und e uitalile. '1‘nnt»·etty1_g _ An·ricr.n XXXVII. The prorisiocins of this treaty shall apply exclu- £:;i;lf=¤¤¤‘¤¤ M1- fivelyitoa the usedund benctgt cfg the Vl;estern llliinnieg ; antléin examina- »h- { ion sm e ma e as tot 0 cznms 0 certain e iver iamies now otthiiliw resident- among the `Western Minmies, and such amounts as may have ]}_;3If“5;;*f· been withheld From. them shall be refunded, and hereafter their annuities shall be paid to them among the Western Miumies, where they live. _ Agency build- Al{'PICLE XXXVIII. The United States agree that agency build-

  • ’*5};{riGk_m out ings shall be erected, in as central :1 position as possible, for the

p,,,,P_52y_' tribes interested in this treaty, at a cost not to exceed eight thou-

 in place of those of the Neosho agency, destroyed during

‘rntn»it‘ct· or Atu·ic1.i·: XXXIX. All necessary nrmngctnents contemplated in this

  • "¤*;<i:Ec*\:g;10“t treaty, in regan·d to the transfer of invested funds from one tribe to

}»,,“,p_52.,_' another, or tlieldisposal of securities belonging to one tribe in favor of a.nother,borIcupgtullizntion of imnuities and other funde, where the same are or mny e in tie mms o` tie ovcrnment, shall be made b the Secretary of the Interior in such nianncer ae shull Fully curry inio effect the spirit and meaning of this treaty: and whore appropriations are needed lroin Congress in order to carry into effect these stipulations, it shall be his duty to mukv report in rultttion to the sutnv to Congress ut lllc earliest. dzty pmcticziblc alter the rutilicanion of this treaty.