Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/594

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50:2 TREATY WITH NICARAGUA. Joss 21, 1867. be reduced to the standard of fifteen l estos impuestos rinden una ntilidad per cent per annum. mayor que esta, se redueira a la regla iija de quince por ciento por aiio. Anzrxcmt XX. Am1oULo 20. 'ijreaty to re- The two high contracting parties, Las dos altas partes contratantes, mgm f°‘”°° desiring to make this treaty as dur- deseosas de hacer este tratado tan n years. . . . . able as possible, agree that this duradero como sea posible, conntreaty shall remain in full force for enen en que este tratado permanesca the term of fifteen years from the en plena fuerza por el termino de day of the exchange of the ratifica- quince afios contados desde el dia tions; and either party shall have del cange de las ratiflcaciones; y the right to notify the other of its cada una de las partes tendra el intention to terminate, alter, or re- derceho de notifiear a. la otra de su form this treaty, at least twelve intencion de terminar, alterar 6 remonths before the expiration of the formar este tratado por lo menos fifteen years; if no such notice be dcce meses antes de la expiracion given, then this treaty shall continue de los quince aiios; si no se diese binding beyond the said time, and esta noticia, entonces este tratado until twelve months shall have elap- quedara obligatorio despues del trassed from the day on which one curso de este tiempo, y hasta que of the parties shall notify the other hayan pasado doce meses desde el of its intention to alter, reform, or dia en que una de las partcs notifique abrogate this treaty. a la otra su intencion de alterar, rcformar 6 abrogar este tratado. Am·rcL¤ XXI. Amrcuno 21. When to be The present treaty shall be rati- El presente tratado sera ratificado "““°°d' fied, and the ratifications exchanged y las ratificacioncs cangeadas en la at the city of Managua, within one ciudad de Managua, dentro de un year, or sooner if possible. afio, 6 antcs si fuese posible. In faith whereof the respective En tcstimonio de lo cual, los resplenipotentiarics have signed the pectivos plcnipotenciarios han firsame, and ailixed thereto their re- mndo el mismo y le han puesto sus spective seals. sellos respectivos. Done at the city of Managua, this Hecho en In ciudnd de lldanngua twenty-first day of June, in the year el veintiuno de Junio del aio del of our Lord one thousand eight hun- Sefior, de mil ochocientos scsenta y dred and sixty-seven. sietc. A. B. DICKINSON, L. S.] TOMAS AYON, L. TOMAS AYON, L. S.] A. B. DICKINSON, EL. S.] Exchange ot And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and '*“l¤°”l°”· the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at the city of Granada, on the twentieth day of June last: Now, therefore, be it known that I, Anumcw J omvsoxv, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be mude public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof,m:1y be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. P¤`°°l¤m¤·il°¤· Done at the city of "Vt\SllllIgl.0X), this thirteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. [snr,.] ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: W. l·IU1~:rna, Acton Secretary of Stale.