Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/746

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7 1 4 IN DEX. Agency Buildings, Agricullurc,_ provided by ;re¤ty for the treaty provisions for the improvement of Sacs and Foxes ... . .. 496 the Sissibon and Wurpcnon bands of Kiowas mid Ccmunchcs ... 582 Dakota or Sioux Indians 507, 509, 510 Chcycnnes ... 594, 657 Scnccas and Shnwnecs 515 Utes 620 Qunpaws 516 Sioux ... 636 Cheycnnes ... 597 Crows ... 650 Utes G2! Navajocs . .. 658 Sioux .,. 638 Shoshonccs and Bannucks . 674 Crows (i5!, 652 Sec Titles q/' the several Indian Dibes. Chcycnncs 657, 658 Agent, Indian, Nuvnjocs .,.. 669 provided by treaty for tho Shoshonccs and Iizmnzvrks. . 675, 676 Sues and Fuxcs ... 468, 496 Scc Til/es q'!/ee several IIAG71-(II': Tubes. Sissimn nnd Warpeton bands of Da- Agriculture, Department of Sec lJq.¢u·lme»it qf kom or Sioux Indians ... 507, 509 Agriculture. Kiowas and Comnnchcs ... 583 ac: to provide for certain claims ngninst Chcycnncs . ... 594, 657 the .. 90, 378 Utes ... . 620 ccrmin funds trmisfurrcd, placed to rhs Sioux . . . 636 credit 0i', to be mul in pur`hu~c and Crows.. .. . . . 650 distribution of sccds in the Soulhcrn Nawujocs 058 Status . 28 Shoshonccs and Bmnucks . 675 appropriations for the .. 106, 297 Agents, Aid and (}0g1gfw·t for formally delivering and rcccivinz the to the rebellion, what to be prima fhcic territory ccdcd by Russia so the Unimd cvidencc of giving; ,... . . 75 Snpms ..,..,... 542 upon whom burden of proofrests. . . 75 g01\01‘1\\ um} Spiiviui, undcr iulvrmml r0vc¤ Alabama, mw zu-n, ollires to be disuonmi mod . 145 the government cxisiing in, March 23, to be nppoinwd tu cxnminc the nccimnrs 1867, declared to be not lcgul . 14 of consular oiliucrs, and chu business of ii'<·0n1inucd, how m be <·ominuc<l. . . 14 their officc .,... 322 convention in, {br fmining comcimaion, of their power, duties, pny, &c 322 whom to <·om~i~t, and how appointed. . 3 limit Lu expenditure {br. ... 822 posi:-roads csmblishcd in . . ... 45, 327 nnmcs, &c. of, with their ruporw, to he admitted to represcntmion in Congress, conimunicmcd to Congress, ut. 0:11-11 when, &<· . . . . . . 73 I)c<:cinhvr session . .. 322 fuudanncmnl <·0n<\i¤i0ns 73 Agents of the lhilml SMI:-s. Sec Ifclrrulilicn, §·c. first meeting of le-;_;isl:¤turu . 74 to roccivc from foreign Q()Vl¥\`Illlll‘l`|N, when act uikcs cifcct ... . .. 74 under treaties for thu cxcrndition of fourtccntlx mn:-ndmcm; of Constitution criminals, chu person accused of crime, prcclnimcd to be adopted by . 705 to sufcly transport and keep such pri~=- law for disbuuding milinin Ibrccs, repcnlcd cncr ... 337, 338 ns to .. 266 vested with powers ol'mnrsh:1l .. 338 repeal of ncn prohibiring the oigunizution pcnnhy for knowingly obxnruunmg, &c. 0l`1hc mili|.i.i furccs in ... 337 or for resvuing prisoner . . 338 Alaska, Agriozd/m·ul (.fo’l¤jqn, territory ccdcd to the United States by grunt of public land for, in Ncbmskn 13 Russia to constitute the collection disnmouut of grunt .. I3 trict of .,.. 240 Agricultural Collegqe Lands, porn of entry to be where ., 240 provision for nhc sulcction 0F ... G8 collector and his salary 240 sclccnion of', by Culiibrnin · . 68 regulations for the nariunalizuxion of vcs· A_qricul!ural Co/Inga Scrip, scls owned by residunts of xhc ccdcd furzhcr iswucs, Sec. cf, to any State lately tcrrim<>ry ... 2-10 in rcbclliun, cxvcpc '1‘cnncsscc, prohib- impormrion into, and usc in, of fima: ms itcd, until, &c . . . . . 25, 26 and distilled spirits may be prohibited. 241 ucccptnncc by registers and receivers of and cxpnrtmrion oi, from ouhcr ports any ulrcmly issued, forbhlden, until, Sw. 26 if destined to ports in this tcrnoc ovcr three sections of public land in ritory . 241 any cnc township, to be cmcrc:.1 by. 227 penalty tbr landing or attempting to land ,A_qricu]turnl Implmvmis, such articles ... 241 to be furnished to the coming trade of mcriiwry, how reguhntccl. 241 Igiowus and Comrmchcs ... 583 killing of fur-bcnring animals prohibited. 241 bltcs 62\ may he anthorizcd by the Su-rctmy Sioux ... 640 of the Treasury . 241 Crows ... 651, 652 what courts to have jurisdiction of of- Chcyguncs . ... 657, 658 fences under this uct, Sac . 241 Nnvnjous ... . 669 who may muku arrests of pcr»0ns or res- Shoshonccs and Bannucks . 6 75 scls . . . 24l _ Scc Til/as g/`the several Indian Tribes. remission of fincs, pcnnlnics, and for- Ayrzcultmul J\Hmlzznmy;, Steam, fcitures incurred in . .. .. 242 _udmittcd'frcr of duty ... 23, 260 Secretary of Treasury may prescribe Agrzcultnml »Slul1shcs, _ _ ccrmin regulations . . 241 and annual report, upproprnmons for 106, 298 appropriation . ... 241