Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/845

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INDEX. 813. Sseretary of _ War, (continued.) 5m,;,, m»;.y_(;1irect the removal of the existing 4 appropriations for pay of members, othi ge . : _ _ ._ .. 259 eers, and clerks o 92, 171, 283 284 to sell at auction, after public notxce, the for deficiency in contingent expenses property of the United States at Har· o£ ... . 85 per s Ferry , _ 265 senators limited in newspapers and staand execute the necessary deeds 265 tionety 35 to convey portions to Storer College 266 for contingent expenses of stationery other portions to other persons. 266 and newspapers 92 to convey to the American Baptist Home deficiency appropriation for contingent Missionary Society a part of the mili- expenses of the. ... 7 312 313 tary reservation at Sault Ste. Marie. .. 281 hydration of the atmosphere of the chant: to report at next December session of ber of the .. 7 Congress the number of desks, clerks, power of sergeant-at arms of, as to ap- &c. in his department . . . 301 intmeut of watchmen, gate-keepers to prescribe terms of sale of surplus charts gz: . .. 11, 12 of the northwestern lakes to uaviga· as to making rules and regulations tors ... . ... 303 to secure Capitol from defacemeut, to have prepared and published the report &»c .. 12 of the results of the exploring expedi- contingent fund of, payment into, of tion and survey of the line of tho for- moneys appropriated for pay and unitieth parallel ... 318 form of watchmen, &e. .. 12 to direct the expenditure of the appropri- Senate Chamber, ation for a road from Du Luth to the appropriation for hydration of .. 64 Bois-fort Indian reservation .. 318 Senators, to consolidate the infantry regiments of limited as to newspapers and stationery.. 85 the army as rapidly as, &c ... 318 Seneca Indians, to deliver at Sprin`gi·io1d, Illinois, certain treaty with, of February 23, 1867 . .. 513 damaged and captured ordnance, for cession of land to the United States by the the National Lincoln Monument Asso- 514 ciation . _ . . . 334 the Senecas to separate from the Shawpower and duty oi] under act to establish nees and unite with other Senecas.5l45 515 a bridge over the East River, between payments to the .. 515 the cities of New York and Brooklyn. .336, claims ot} for losses by the war .. 516, 526 337 commission to investigate. . 516 to designate six acres of the arsenal award and payment of damages.516, 526 grounds at Saint Louis, Missouri, to be Semecas, [pauted to the city of St. Louis ... 339 appropriations for the .. 214, 215 to urnish condemned iron cannon to com- Senor, Rebecca VZ, plete a monument at Tivoli, N. Y., to pension to ... 384 Major-General Philip Kearney and Sergeanis~at—Arms, others. . .` ... . . . 343 of the Senate and House of Representa- 120 allow the New York and Oswego Mid- tives, to appoint certain watchmen and · land R. R. Co. a right of way through gate-keepers in and about the Capitol 11, 12 the public lands at Fort Ontario .. 345 to give orders for pay of watchman. . 12 to carry immediately into effect the reso· to select patterns for uniform of Capitol lution to protect the fur seal in Alaska. 348 police and watchmcn . . . . 12 to furnish the McPherson Monument As- to furnish each member of the force two sociation, of Clyde, Ohio, with cannon, suits per year, and at what cost ... 12 cannon-balls, and muskets ... 349 belts, arms, &c. ... 12 Secret Service Fund, appropriation therefor . .. _. . 12 appropriations for . 314 appropriations heretofore rnadc to be paid, Sedgwick, John, one half into the contingent fund of payment to .. . . .. 432 Senate, and one half mto that of the Sedgwick, llfajbr- General John, House . . . .. 12 bronze cannon, captured in battle, given may make rules, &c. to preserve the peace, for statue of · 2 56 secure Capitol from defacemeut, and Seeds, protect pu he property .. 12 of improved varieties of vegetables and may arrest and detain persons for violacercals, appropriation for purchase and tion of rules, until, . ·. . . 12 distribution ot', in the southern States.. 28 of the_House, salary of chief clerk oi) es· { appropriation for, and for putting up 298 tabltshed .. ; ... 264 Seizure, Shambaugh Charles S., _ of distilled spirits, found not in distillery, payment to for collecting papers, rc- &c. burden of proof on claimants to lating to artifieial limbs lor s0ld1ers..310, show that no fraud has been éommitted 140 _ _ 311 of distilleries and distilling apparatus, Shanghm, C'/mma, _ provisions as to release ot', . . . 142 Postmaster-General may establish a genof real estate for tax, penalty, &c. .. 167 eral postal_ agency at, with branch agen- Semmole Indzans, cies in Chma and Japan. . . . . 195 survey of exterior boundary of grant of iShaw, Joanna L., land to. . . .,.. 315 pension to ... 419 Seminoles, I Shaumees, _ _ appropriations for the . 214 appropriations for the . , . , . 215