Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1182

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1148 INDEX. Attorney Genera], (continued.) B' cf appmpriaiion for payment of no- Baca y Salasarl, _ cessary cxpenses incurred in do- gppmpmmqn pay claim of Mr., for fcnding suits against the Secretary losses by Indians ... 307 of the Treasury, or his agcms, for Bq.ehdder, John, the scizurc of oupmred, &c. prop- patonrof, extended ... 656 crty . . 497 Bad,,", Grand Duchy q/Q _ to report to Congress at the and treat between, and the Iirmed States of of the fiscal your, and no whom J uiiv 19, 1868, concerning naturalizaand for what purposes ic was tion and the citizenship ofcmrgrants. . 731 paid ... . .. 497 when citizens of nlm, are to be neared as W b¤"° l·h° right W i“*P°¤* H10 \’°'~‘°¤‘d¤ Of American citizens .. 731 the commissioners on the claims of 1oy— when American citizens are to be treated Bi¢i1iZG11S, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 · · 528 as citizens of the .. . . ..- 782 to approve the validity of titio of SICGS declaration of intent not 10 efiect purchased for scwcoast defences .. 544 naturalization . . 732 appropriarion For compensation of the. .- 249 naturalized citizens liable, on return to for chico of the . . . 311. 494 rhcir original country, for 0i1"0nG€S 00m· Atlgzneyff the United States for lhe Dislrict of mined before emigi·ul:i_01?Hi .. 732 W'! id, cs cciall for non- u ment 0 cer- 10 uttend to certain prosecutions heforc Iiain niilitury duty .. 732 the police court of the District .. . 156 bur. nn: for certain other ot1"cn¢·<·s 732, 733 lns pay therefor .. 156 attnclunen: of property of emigranu for not to be allowed pay for office expenses, ma-fullilmenz of milicary duty, to be permanent deputy. clcrk hire, Src. 156 removed when, &c ... . . . 733 fecs to be pai quarterly and in what 156 convention of 30;h Januyry, 1857, manner .. . for the mutual extradition 0 fugifives limi: to compensation . 156 from juscicc, not <·han,•zed .,.. 733 and assistants, may administer oaths w provision as to recovery of citizenship in witnesses in criminal cases ... 156 original country. ... 733 office of} to remain as now until modified, when convention to rako effect and how &c 425 long to continue . .. l 7 33, 734 Auomeys, when co be ratified. ... 734 for procuring bounties for soldiers, ('ces qxccuiion, riuirlcunioa, proclamation. 734 of, to be roservod, and how paid .. 55 Bq5kg_ [V[[[[qm, no part of the money due soldiers or their payment of dccrcc of disericc court in heirs for bounties, to be paid to .. 54, 55 thvor of . . . 649 not zo be cmployed by heads of cxcvutive Baiigyq the (fom-: of Claims, deparuncnts as cho expense of the Unit- salurv of, csmhlishcd .. 148 cd sims .. 164 13a,·[;gg, “ those specially rcmiucd by Department of of police court of District of Columbia, Justice to rcccivo a commission, tnkc appuiunncnt, pay, &c ..., . .. 154 oa:h,&c.· _ . _ ... 164, 165 may act as deputy mnrslmls in curtain for prosecuting claims for pensions or cascs ... . .. 155 bouncy lands not to rcccive greater fcc of i|1cdiszrici,cii·cnir, and criminal courts than S 25 in cavh casc . , 194, 195 in rho Discricn of Columbia, pay ol, cspcnaliy upon, for contracting lor, do- mhlishcd ,. . ... 160 manding, or receiving. &c. grcatcr Buffy, George W., pay uhan allowed by law 195 pavment to, for services ... 680 Audi!"`. Baily, Cpu: Mac., to be appointed for Washington, D. C.. . 191 pavment to, for services . . . 680 _ his iluticiypay, &c ... . 191 Bq1am_-};,; Audi!orfor lfusf-Q, we Depurlnienl. duc foreign countries by Post-Onice Dc— appropriauons for pay oi, and of clerks, partmcnc. . 572 &<·. oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237, 238, 482 Balances of A]7])7'0])7'l7l[l·07I.9, Auditors aft/le Treasury lleparhmvnt, certain uncxpendod, in the Navy Depart— apgfvpriulivns fb? phy Of, and of clerks, _ ment, to be covered into the treasury.. 58 _c. oC.. .: . 11, 237, 481 uncxpendcd, for any your, how to he ap- Audralran C0/omes, plied. .. i .. 251 any, not vontriblrting to mninfsin Unc of nor, ncedcd, to go to surplus fund ... 251 mnrl‘puyk•·rs licuvccn New Zealand and except in certain appropriations 251 the mtcel States, Ncw Loalund may provision as to ihosc not drawn against rcfuso to forward lctters, &c. there- for rwo yours .. i 251 to ... . . . ... 1122 not to ··r‘ . Avenues and S/reels, tii>ris.ili)i)ii,. ff). .t?i‘i.ixi)pr0prm 251 in Washington, D. C., appropriations for 301, Baldwin, (.baununde»· Char-Irs II., I'. N . ` AMW 504 nin}; apgeptcphpskl (gncdul from the King vf Wmmissicncm under {hg claims com Balm. Sw VW, n 9- --··· . . ,, 55; vcntion with Vcnczucln, provisions rc- not to protect the. .. . . . . 140 spcciing .,. 715 Ballots,` “U with Peru ... 755 for representatives in Congress, to be writ- ARJ, _ ten or printcd .. 440 ncrtmnstcumcrstohavc... 443 btherstobcof nocflbct: .. . 4-10