Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1186

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1 152 INDEX. Boilers, continued. Bonds, (continued.) _ , nfrci one year lrom, &e. no plums to be registered,of the United Sta?, diiplégugis uscd in construction of boilers, unless ot'_ those lost or destrogc , may 600 inspected . . ..., . . . . 452 tamed _ . · . working Sturm-pressure, nllowublo on such 452 Secretary of Treasury to ISS!-\9 P ,» 600 safety vulvcs, guugmcocks, and low—wnter upon proof, . indicator. . ,... 452 owner, to file m the treasury a born 0 600 lwr of Bunce tin .. , . . 452 indemnity. . : . .. lhidkness of boiler plates ...,., 452 of supervising and local inspectors of 58 water and steam connecting pipes ... 452 steamboats ._ . _ Z . 4 penalty For intentionally obstructing safe- of fpuymasters in the navy to (!0I\llH\\€ m 536 t.y·vulves,&c. . .. ... 452 ul force .. or·permirting· water to lull below low- Book Packets, _ _ _ water line in the boiler ...,.. 452 obsolete provisions respecting_ postage Bois Furtes, on, in postal conventions with Great appr »p.·i ations for the. . . . . . l7, 336, 337, 547 lirituin _. I ... I ... S 29, 833 Boise Ci/_y, id.:/m, existing provisions respecting postage appropriations for assay office at 486 on, in postal conventions with Greet V Bolling, Ilemy, `Britum S45), 851, 852, 85i, 8.>8 nyment ro, for services ... 680 stage to he prepaid . 852 Bam}; loam of packet ... 852 may be taken under internal revenue law term, to include what _ . 851 in certain cases where distillery, &c. is obsolete provisions respecting postaeeon, on leased land, &c . . ... 41, 42 in postal conventions wit Be gium for the delivery at port of destination of 'B99, 900, 918, 919 certain merchandise entered for immc· BXISHIIQ pI'0VI§I0lIS respecting dime transportation ... . . 270, 271 psostuge ou, in postal conventions with Bonded lVm·ehouscs. Internal Revenue. elgium. .. . ... 923, 924, 928 time lor xvitlitlruwtnl of distilled spirits with the North German Umon.980, 982, from. extended to June 30, 1869 .. 42 984, 985 ouch gallon subject to additional with Itnly.1005-1007, 1009 -1011, IOI4 monthly tux ... . . . . 42 with Switzcrland.lO3l -1033, 1035, 1036 distilled spirits remaining in, after June with the Netherlands. .1063- 1065, 1067, 30, l8u9. to be forfeited . 42 1068 proprietors of, to reimburse eo the United with Venezuela _ .. 1105 Suites the salaries, Sec. of storekcepers, Boston, &c. in chruge thereof 52 appropriations for building for post-office snlnrics of officers in churge of} to be paid und sub-treasury 85, 296, 509, 515, 516 by proprietors. . . . . . . . . . 239 no part to be expended until, 8:4:..85, 296 how to be collected, if not paid.. . . . 2:39 total ultimate cost not to exceed, &c.509, when paid, how to be credited .. 239 516 Bonded lVur<~/zouscs (Uustmus), land for, und legal expenses 516 duties upon goods in, when tariff act provisions of uct, allowing entry o1 goods takes effect 269 for immediate trunspormtion, extended for the reception of merchandise intend- to the port of . .. 270, 271 ed for iznnnualinte trpnsportution. .. 271 nppropriutious for navy-yan·d nt 302, 321, 322, appraisers' sum-s nt Plniludelpliiu, to be 323, 326, 327, 508, 526 -533 used for ... 516 for office of assistant treasurer at 483 Bonds, Coupon or Ibygistercd. Soc Ikht, National. Botanic Garden, issue of not over $200900,000 nuthor- and greenhouses, appropriations for.23-L, 294, ized, redecnmhle after ten years nt live 479, 500 per cent. interest ... 272 certain balances of appropriations for, how of not over 33%,000,000, {bur and muy be cxpendcd ... 601 0. half pur cent. redeemable utter supervision of capital police extended fifteen ycnrs ... 272 over ... 39l, 392 of not ovcr $1,0%,000,000 four per Bottles, cunt. redeemable utter thirty years 272 wine imported in, how to be packed . 263 all to be exempt from taxation . 272 udditionul duty upon .. 263 bonded debt not to be increased 272 Boundary Line may he sold ut pur for coin, und proceeds between Nebraska. und Dukotu cstubhow npplied 272 lished . .. . . . ... 93 how muy be puid ut und uftcr maturity, 272, between Idnho and Utah, nppropriiuion 273 to murk und define . .. -. . 502 purchased and now held in treasury to be Bcuntfes, destroyed . 273 sums due to soldiers and their heirs for, record thereof· to he first rmule . 273 to be paid them in person, or by sendthose hen-after purchased to be rc- ing direct to them drafts to their corded mid destroyed in like man- order 54, 55 uer ... 273 may be scm: through freeclm<—n’s amount of five per cent., muy be increased bureau, &c . 55 to S 500,000900 ... . 399 not to be paid to any claim uu: nt, or inwrest payable quarterly..' 399 upon any power of attorney, &c .. 55 totul nmount mxrlmrizcd hy original act fees to ntrornevs or agents to to rent-rv-.d, not to be xucreased . . 399 und how paid . . .. . . 55