Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1257

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INDEX- 1223 Grew Britain, (¤¤¤¢i¤3¤¤d-i Great Bt-ism, (continued.) hsts of forexgn countries, &c. and letters unpaid, or insufficiently paid, subrates of lpostagbe .. 794, 795 ject to anno 851 forms for utter ills and receipts 793, fines how disposed of .. . . . . 851 796 - 799 on news rs book- cke an for statement of accounts ... 800, 806 Wm, &.c . . . 852 additional articles of December 3 and 27, who pre nid . ,852 1852 ... _. .: . 807, 808 book-pacliets not to be sealed, &.c 852 forms for letter btlls and receipt for printed papers prohibited need not be decorrespondeuce between the uited livered. ... . . .. 852 States and the West Indies 809 customs duties to he paid . . 852 additional articles of May 19 and June postage to be equally divided. . . 852 3, {853 810 tutes for division between the two additional articles of August 10 and Sep· offices . . . . . { ... 852 tember 7, 1853 .. 811, 812 postage on transit letters, newspapers, Etc. 852 forms for letter bill and receipt for charge for sea conveyance of mail matter. 852 correspondence between the United registered letters or packets, &c. ... · . 653 States and the western coast of transit of closed mails . -853 South America. . . ... 813 postage for territorial transit of letters, additional articles cl' November 25 and newspapers, Svc ... .. 853 December 12, 1853 .. 814 for ses conveyance of closed mails. . 854 additional articles of March 20 and April accounts between the Post-Oliiecs ... 854 9, 1836 . . . . . . . . . . .. . 815, 816 equivnlentof the dollar 854 forms of letter bill . . . . .818, 819, 821 odicisl communications free .. . . 854 of acknowledgment of receipt. . 820, regulations to be made, &c . 854 822 exchange of correspondence with St. additional articles of May 25 and June `ffhomss, Panama, Colon, and Sun 17, 1858 ... . ... 823 uan .. 854 of January ll and Februn.ry3, 1859. 824 dittuilcd rcgulmicns for the_cxe~ ` of November 25 and December 14, cution of the foregoing conventicn.855 -859 1859. ... . .. 825 despatch and excltenge of mails. 855, 856 of June 28 and July 21, 1860 .. 826 correspondence, how to be accounted for. 856 of August 13 aud Qeptember 1, 1860. 827 accounts between the United States and of July 7 n,n·l 30, 1862 828 the British Post-Otlice ,.. 857 of 1).cember 26, 1862, and March rates of postage to be accounted for. 857, 12, 1863 ... 829 860 of September 26 and October 19, exchange of registered letters and postal 1863 .. . ... 830 packets, regulation concerning. . . 857, 858, of August 6 and September 10, 1864. 88l 864 of October 25 and November l I, 1865. S32 form of special li<ts for 864 convention of June 18, 1867 (0bso— countries to which they may be sent. 857, lets) ... 833, 836 858 detailed regulations to carry imo ex- letter bills and receipts 858 ecution the convention of June 18, forms of: . . _ ... 865, 867 1867 (obsolete) , 837 - 841 marks for paid and unputrl letters. , . 858 tables of rates of postage. . .841, 843 distinct puckclts for different artn·1cs. . 859 registered letter list and receipt. 844 labels of, in diliercnt colors, to denote letter bills 845 -848 what. . ... . ..., 859 CDYIVCIIINDII of July 28 and August dead letters, newspapers, Sw 859 14, I868, for exchange of mails hctweuu letters to annoy and injure . . ... 859 the United States and the Straits sev missent, &c. letters, book-packers, &c 859 tleiuciits and the Brirish East Indies 849, 850 letters sent tc persons vs ho huvc ¢-hanged what mstil matter, and how to be con- their residence .. 859 vcyed ... .. 849 former urueles to cease whcn thesc take mtes of postmge and weight of letters. .. 849 eil` et._ . Z. .. 859 of newspapers, b0ok—p¤ckets, patterns, 3([tII[IOIl{\I puslid ¤0|Iv¢*IpI|0n &<· . . . . . . .. 849 with, of December 3 and 14, 18b9 869 delivery of correspond ance . 849 rates ofhlettcr postage established ... 869 unyail letters, &c .. . .. 849 of internauonuil letters. .: .. 869 each ullire to keep postage , 849 nne upon unpaid international letters 869 letters, &<·. how tnaeked and stamped 849 charge for sca conveyance nt; letters scnt dctul letters, newspapers, &c S50 across theses in vlosctl mulls . ._. . . 869 detailed regulations may be made ... 850 60IIV€IIt|0|\ lwtvvecn the _United convention when to commence and how States and, respecting l'lL\llll`D.llZ1\U0l'1, to terminate . . . . . 850 _ May 13, 1870 . ... · .. 775 convcntion of November 7 and 24, cmrens of eithencountry mtturul1t<·d as - 1868, lbr exchange of o0rresp0udence.85l - extizens or subjects of the other coun- 855 try, to be treated as citizens of such 775 ' . 851 countr .. . ... I. _ correspondence m·mc]ud?'wbat . 851 such nattiralizstion may he renounced if each office to despntch mails. .. _ _ b } 1_ } da _1 cd rates of postage. . 85l the renuncmticm fe ptgcic y to erm 776 weight of single letter . . . . . 851 within tw? years star, . . further reduction of lcttcr rates of post- mode 0 renunciation sg 776 age to be considered .. . 851 upon ... . ..