Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1294

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1260 INDEX. Niagara River, Norfolk, (continued.) city of Bgntihlo may construct e tunnel appropriations for navy yard at 302, 322-827 un er, ·c . . ... . ... 90 508 526 -583 bridge accross from Buffalo to Canada for magazine at . 530 may be maintained . 173 for naval hospital at . . 583 to be a lawful structure and post- North Carolina, road .. . . . . ... 173 post—roads establidied in 49, 73, 287, 288, 465 location and construction ol} to be claims of loyal citizens of, for serviees in gubject to ftlrev supervision of the 173 taking the eighthfccnsus, to be paid. . . 167 ecretaryo ar ... appropriation or . 814 all railway companies entitled to place of holding the United States courts equal u~e of 173 for the Albemarle district ol§ changed. 180 N drpfws, piers, &c ... . . . 173 to bfellxld in Elizabeth City instead wamgua nute 0 * cnt0n . 180 · nppropri ttirin for survey oi] for ship canal 306 collectors of customs in, to receive a cer- Nicke (bpgrqe I d tmn sum in addition to fees and commn ree eeme . 580 missions ... 384 "Nig/ztz°iigu!e," 1716 Ship, North Carolina lllounierl Infantry, paymentttgcertgin officers and crewof the 640 clinrige of desertion removed from certain to I o ert rum . ... .. 640 so diers of the Second. .. 603 uct in favor of officers and crew ol} made Northern and Nwthwestern Lnkes and lfivers, valid .. 689 appropriations for surveys Sec. for im- .ZWrLe{y-Sixth llferidfun of Wvest Lmigiltule, provements on . 1 ... 226, 542 expense of establishing, from Kansas to Northern Clzqqennen, the north line of the Creek country... 569 appropriations for the ... .. 347 Mmh Census, Northern, Qc. F ronlfcrs, apprlopriation for preliminary expenses of act to regulate foreign and coasting trade, ta intr the . 88 on . . . ..., 176- 179 forradditionul ex enses of committee _ See F oreiqn and Coustim Trade. o P 312 North Lula dSeub0 d J n ern · s an ar , for taking . . . 314, 503 appropriation for report, &c. on storms, pay of assistant marshals for taking the, for benctit of commerce on ... 90 may be increased by the Secretary of I Northern Puri/fc Ruflrozul (Jompuny the Interior ... . 514 may extencléts branch line from Portland but not to exceed, &c .. 514 to Puget `ound and connect the same Mnth Regiment of Kansas (,lrvaIry, with its main line west of the Cascade guardians, &c. to be appointed for minor mountains . 57 children of Indians who served in, and not entitled to any subsidy therefor, N b who are elnticled to bounties, &e .. 390 except certain lands 57 i io ram`owns fp, twenty-five miles of extension to be , appropriation For payment of damages to constructed before, &e ... 57 citizens of, by moving the Santee Sioux Rwty miles a year therentter 57 t on th irlunds .. 39 appropriation for survey of public lands , commission to ascertain and report within the grant of .. 305 N [amount of damages . . . . . 39 part to be expended where ... . . 305 1 ikquallq ncliuns, cost of surveying-, &<·. to be paid before N appropriations for the ..,.. . 25, 847, 556 cunveyunces are made 305, 306 the pol, may issue bonds secured by rnortgnge. . . 378 3 N, at Malden, Mass., appropriation for.. ... 580 moiétgage to he filed, &c. in &e. as proof ztric Ani: 0 its execution . 378 379 3 and other chemical acids, how and when location of road ..,... i 379 *‘ may he carried on passenger steamers. 441, deficiency in lands, how may he made up. 379 l 442 tw;nty·live miles of road to be completed 3 Miro Glycerine, anuury 1, 1872 and forty miles each not to be carried as freight, &c. on passen— year after .. .,. 979 § er stenmers ... 441 lands unsold, &c., after live ·ezu·s from oan, rerracm, omp e ion 0 r 1 o ie su nec to ; Nl c lt' foaltl)l't grant of certain lands in New Mexico to, settlement and preeinption at not over E conlirtnerl . 646 $2.50 an acre .. 379 Q exterior- lines to be adjusted 646 proviso in case of lbreclosure ... 379 { claims ol' actual settlers 646 American iron or steel made from Ameri- § location in lieu ofelaims established under _ con ores to be used exclusively . . . . 379 the homestead, &c. acts ..,.,.,... 646 1\¢brt}zcrn rSll]J€7'l'1I{8}I(l,¢*7IC_l/, lines of public surveys to be run 646 appropriations for Indians in. .. 859 heirs of, to pay the actual settlers’ cost. . 646 N0rt/z German (.`oq/2zd»rutz'on. surveyor-trencral to furnish plats to claim- and its allies, neutrality between, and ants, when, Sac .. . ... 646 France enjoined ... 1132, 1133 i claimnnts to select, &t·. claims in three war vessels ot; not to use the waters of § months after notice of survey, and fur- the United States, &c 1135 nish description of location .. 646 North German Union, Narjblk, postnl convention with, of Oc- g provisions of act, allowing entry of goods tober 2I , 1867 . . 979 § for immediate transportation, extended correspondence to be excliangerl 979 3 to the port of .. 271 to embrace what .. 879