Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1295

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NME F U, n . 0m;:"';.; Zfgaaggc *t‘iP°:2m in smh North Qerman Umon, (continued.) country . . . 97, ‘“‘"°"‘ ““" “"°¤g'Y °M·=¤* ¤<>¤¢¤i><>¤¤- mmngcmems for despatch of mail;. 979 letenccg :1} 985 SL ftu _ ··•• 6P I t05U1DOWh8¢..,, 985 Sgmsuts {352;;:3;;-éi Ah; . accounts bferwlgveen the two offices. . . . 985 weigh: fur single mw ofinternaticnnl m 6 O t G d01m' ’’'‘ 7 ’'‘‘‘‘’ 985% postage, and rule of progression.. .979, quarmrly·0;c§uni;t·t · · . I l I t . i ·. thefgtlflufzgc the equivalent of fifteen charges for zxiunsit of closecl .1325 mss of postage ZZ I I I I I I I I gig °‘:,${},",§‘],‘},{,l’;’§},§,‘Q§‘§gl‘g°"“"“ pros-ismn for the prospective reduc- rates oi letter osta e est ’bl' {1 · l i · A .1008 tion or gm · m · pr g “ ‘* ° ······· *°°3 table Shmving gm ... . 992 msu kizxently paid letters charged ns un-- ' _ , · Z ... . . . . pzu . . 1003 prepay ment optional on ordmary letters. 580 pggtgrve upon news a Us on · d required on rc istered letters' and ° P ’ mr pl-mm other mail m§.tmr &c .. 980 mmm, and Sampgisl ```'``°` ° ``````' 1003 _ , _ _ - accounts, how to be Lcpn, &c .. 1003 1004 PT0€€0dlll2$_» when Postage is Ullpmd of ]!l'00|¤\lllilli0I\ in respect to cubsé- not suHlc1entl'y_pa1d . 980 lm- jurisdiction over crews of vessels of fine or additional charge therefor . .. 980 the Smm of the__ _ um um regulations for despatch of correspondencc.980, North Gmm-ille National Ennis i II · l· ’ _ 981 it . ’ · T · ., registcxkcrrl correspondence to pay addi- (l3::l<c;`?s(l-l:c1ttfEzili$ai¥tl}1r§?ll·;. 598 iona ce .. 981 North Po! , what correspondence muy be registered,. 981 one mfr more expeditions -t0 may be orpostage und rcgisrration fee 981 gunizcd and sent out . , . J . 251 depomtnncrlt not responstblo pecu- who may be appointed to command and ` nmnly for loss .. . . . . 98l who detailed to take part in . . 251 basis for settlement of nccounts . 981 scientific operations, how prescribed . 251 exchange of correspondence by open appropriations for . 526, 534 mails . Z . . l I 981 amount of former appropriation may transit of closed mmls, through either be applied to expenses in any subcountry. ... 981 se nent ·ear ... 534 postal accounts, when to be statcd, &c. .. 981 Notaries Publg, ) rate for conversion of money, to be | in the District of Columbia, nppointment, matter of agreement . 981, 985 5 mvcrs, and duties of 424 . . P transfer ofclosecl mails without expense,. 981 I those now in office to continue .. 424 oilicml communications to be free ... 982 · Note Sheets, mxsscm letters, articles, &c . 982 { not to be printed for the use of Congress, provisions nf this convention to be exteud· I &c. from stecl or copper plate or by cd to the other German States of the. . 982 Q lithographing .. 233 detailed regulations to be established 982 * Notice ty' Storms, former conventions to cease to be of force 982 l appropriation for giving, by tclegruph.90, 316, when this convention cakes clfect, aud how ‘ 369 long to cominue 982 i Aoyes, Hemjy C., regulations for the excl-union of the act for the relief of, mended ... 662 postal convention of October 21, l867, agreed upon, June 30, und July 22, 3 O 1868 ... ... 98 • offices for exchange of mails establishexi. 983 Oath, senders of registered letters entitled to re- membgris elect, to ftléc general axecei it . . 983 scm y 0 t 0 tmc 0 C0l';!l8 to in 0 Igcuipts to be in what languages 983 and subscribe an additional hml'm&[l0D _ no fee therefor 983 or .. z . . . Z. . : . . 59 weight of letters and mail matter ... 983 form ot, and nrhut to bedone with it.59, 60 letter bills and acknowledgments ofrcceipt 983 penalty for violation of, &c .. _ . . . 60 forms of .. . . 986 - 990 to be taken by members of Stgte legislacorrespondencc m be divided into separate tune and {$2:Le 0Hicm|s of Vnrgxma. gg packages .. z.,: . 983 984 orm 0, . , Dumber of rates, how to be indicated ’ 984 by tho menibcrs of lfptslntulf al1d7 68 startups upon letters .., 98-1 Sum otlifcnigz of Mississippi 27, 68 register lists, and forms of . 984, 990, 99t form o , . .  :.].2. , receipts for . _ . 9 84 by the mernbers gllrfghsll u 80 81 lettcrs with foreign counmes. . 984, Stfaggrohgcgngscc cxns S0, 81 marlv for prcwaid and unpaid ettcrs , , . , .. . . .. , articles undo; band, not conforming, &o. 984 tolntaléengbghzsgissjntmnrslntlsclinplogcd H8 — - m u m .¤ _ . _ . let:gi·s)€inlsEn?liciJcEntli* be sent as un- police court_ol` the Distric]: of Columbia paid ... h ... 984 may udnnnnxter, ;_c pulgscxlzlgccrsé. . 155 letters and registered articles whégh can- upgnranngmeiifniszrpu . p , p pv 369 gcfnili dilixerew 985 to be nmdc unclcr penalties of per- 369 formsfcr ... .. 995,996 Jury...