Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1303

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INDE X- 1260 Penaby, (continued.) . for prooeediu furthe '¤ u · pcm"?" Agmd (°°“dm‘°d·l certain msgs und; am nndpertuin of iheir clerks, to take, &e, at-tm. removal thereof to the dmuii gighrzggirfcex affidavits of pensioners court of me United Sums .. 9 wl "“?°s·. ······· · ········ 194 unqe,. the act for the bemr se xt}3 eheclfffoppensiou m sueh case .. 194 me on bpud of mama propelled in pepgtywar falsely making, &c. such whole P,.-m pan by umm. .440-459 cehmcaw of , . . . . 194 remission 01] under said Mt. .. . .. . . 458 where perlslidnslisn tg bifem lf agent . . a · Pmd;ig»;n,b;J'h:;l;:)i$d Hwwnsuwommudu tonimcpt {pr fee ... . 195 P _ .,,1 W. in of 4. navy se ,.5..53.1 “€.$§" 223 ZQZZLT ?i—"°3 emtenlzaries, tw ’ 1 S 0 G8 iutheTe`_riwist°bc d _ n _ a rney,ess,&c...= ... 195 of the mm1;;!!. . l • l 898 anfdwexpenses of agencies, s.ppr0pria.tion rules for gpg; govepnment . 398 Pension Biiroiiii V i i i ° i °'°``'``°°`'`'' 400 mma'? bgzlgxisonég thetfggvlil 398 appvppprianons for, and for oiilcers, clerks, pay o marshals and expenses of prison- Pensionm. -.248, 517 ers . ... . ... "' Pmitmmriu, Slate, 398 Pmspsipsigln; bow m be pa1d to 193 -195 appropriations for expenses of maintain- a. Is ‘ m Eg United States military convicts Pensilohvdggg, on w be pmd fm MWL' ° 222 _ ere1n.._.._ . 507 519 déEn` . Pemyerwary B3¢ddm<1¤,_ , , `sidsngwiggysixgtiil. Pm ay nngypmiui Temmry, appropriation for contingent expenses . . i - .. 87 eclono. 314 bbc ad .. to be set apart from prosecds of in- 'renl;¥:fsb1dldi!ri;5i>$:n(€€ _ ternal revenue tax ... ._ .. 314 annual rental to be determined in Montana Territory, appropriation for by the Secretary of the Iuberior 87 tlge supermteudence of che construction uppropriniious for .. 10, 248, 244 0 .. . . . ... 499 pay of commissioner &o of 243 244 Pennsylvania`’ p0srrroads_estnl>lished in 50, 74, 289, 466 — 468 Pensions. See Pension Agents. *87, 488, 517 terms_of circuit and district courts of the amounts fixed `by special acts granting United Spaces all: Erie in the western not to be increased or diminished by Pe myyudionalidistnct of . . 429 certain glenerelfluws relating to 191,192 n vama venue, sums eret 'thh ld t b `d act :0 provide forithe paving of . 196 V Over (T i l . . .c li . 5 . 192 commission appointed to select pavement how to be pnid to pensioners ... 193 -195 and so pave];. . . . fee of attorney! fgr prosecuaing claim for, expense ow me .. nottp exoee 2 in enc case ... 195 Pensacohx, _ _ ’ _ agreement for amount of] to be filed appropriations for navy yard ns.302, 322 - 327, with the commissioner of pensions f h hl 508, 526 - 533 fin each case 195 or navy ospi . 533 i no agreement fee to be onl $ 10. 195 Pensacohr and Banuncas Railroad Company, to be deducted fiom pension.`? . 195 right of way granted to, through the naval ¤ppI‘0pI'i8tionS for payment of. for and xpligmry reservations near Pensa.- years ending June 80, 1871, and Juno eo a, . . 593 30, 1872 ... 221, 222, 400, 503 Pension Agents, erm _ invalid .. . ... 221, 400 act to define the duties of .. 193 — 195 revolutionary, pension agents end ex- 1:0 send by mail quarterly to each pen- pauses of ugencies". ... .221, 222, 400 sioner whose pension is payable at his navy invnlid, and navy. .' ... 222, 400 agency n voucher to be executed and navy pensions to be paid fmm navy penreturned ... 193, 194 sion fund., . 222, 400 upon receipt of execnzed voucher and estimate of cleims, Cnc. on navy pension proof of idenrily, to draw check no or- fund, and payments therefor ... t . 222 er of pensioner for amount due .. 194 expenses of nruiiciul lirnbs may be paid blanks for vouchers. . ..,... 194 rom this appropriation ... : . 222 notice thereon . . . . 194 granted to certain soldnen and sailors of instructions and regulations 194 fno war of 1812, and the surviving pensioners may be required no receive widows of any thereoi .. 411 pensions personally . . 194 to be at whim mm . Z .. 411 pensions ro be paid only to the persons proofs required under this act .. 411 encinled rhereco, and according so this 9 1rat1Ldulen1;_nv,m$L may be smcken from 4u acl: . Z .. . .. 1 4 e nsionro payments to persons under disability loss ofpzcrtincato of discharge not D0 doand to shose in foreign countries.. 194 prlve of the benetits of act .. 411 additional compensation to . 194 pther prqof nray_be used ... 411, 412 tbirry cents for each voucher and deficiency nppmprnmon for payment of. 521 postage ... . . . 194 Pemuons to _ penalty upon, for taking or demanding Abercrombie, John C. . ... 639 from pensioner fees for services ... 194 Alhug, Mary H ... . .. . . .. 698